1. All eligible PhD students as per the Institute rules may be nominated by the research supervisor/co-supervisor. Self-nominations are not accepted.
2. All nominations will be considered by the standing Award Committee, appointed by the Head, Convener of DPC. Supervisor/co-supervisor of any nominee will not be a part of the committee to avoid any conflict of interest. Appropriate replacement will be considered before the evaluation process begins.
3. Supervisors/co-supervisors would be requested to submit the following documents along with the nominations:
a. a list of publications of the candidate;
b. copy of the reviewers’ reports (of the PhD thesis);
c. copy of the APS reports;
d. a list of patents (filed and/or granted);
e. recommendation letter specifying:
i. commendable contribution toward the research of the field & development of the lab;
ii. an assessment of the nominee on a relative scale based on the supervisor’s research group activity;
iii. a relative comparison of the nominee to the past PhD excellence award winners from the advisor’s group, if applicable.
4. Each committee member would independently evaluate all the nominations and prepare a merit list. Weightage would be given to record of publication in journals of repute, patents, Thesis report, consistency in the performance in APSs, and research supervisor’s recommendation addressing the points mentioned in item 3e.
5. The award committee would then deliberate on the merit lists prepared by individual member, scrutinize the merits of the nominations based on the list mentioned above and prepare a consolidated list.