
Research Areas

Research activities at Department of Energy Science and Engineering aim at providing solutions to generate clean energy and develop energy systems to meet the future energy demands.The research activities of Energy Systems Engineering can be grouped into the following areas.


Energy Efficiency

The need of the energy saving in every sphere is well known to all, especially due to increase in energy cost. Energy Systems Engineering has been developing sustainable energy solutions with a clear focus on energy saving strategies.

Renewable Energy Systems

Due to the depletion of conventional energy sources, various forms of renewable energy have attracted attention. Active research in areas such as solar thermal, solar photovoltaics, solar photovoltaic concentrator, biomass, wind etc. is being pursued.

Nuclear Energy

There is a strong need for the development of technologies for fast breeder reactor and advanced heavy water reactor. The research activities in nuclear energy are geared towards thermal hydraulics, stability of flows, safety aspects, space-time kinetics for neutronic simulation, etc.

Oil and Gas

Conventional oil reserves are declining and companies are developing unconventional oil fields with complex fluid properties. These factors mean that flow assurance plays an important role in the exploration of unconventional oil and gas fields. The focus of our current research activities are towards flow restart, wax deposition, upgradation, oil water separation, oil rock interaction etc.