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Singh, A., S. Doolla, and R. Banerjee. Demand Side Management In Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies., 2017.
Singh, R., and R. Banerjee. "Investigation of City-Level Site-Pair correlations of solar variability using empirical satellite data." In 2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2017. Vol. 2017-January., 2017.
Singh, H. K., K. Sandeep, M. Chary, A. Balraj, P. Sharma, and C. S. Solanki. "Investigation on silver nanoparticles-based plasmonic antireflection and its impact on electrical performance of mono c-Si solar cells." In 2014 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Emerging Electronics: Materials to Devices, ICEE 2014 - Conference Proceedings., 2014.
Singh, C. C., A. N. R. Choudhury, D. S. Sutar, and S. K. Sarkar. "Novel plasma-assisted combustion route for NiOx thin film deposition." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31 (2020): 19836-19845.
Singh, R., and R. Banerjee. "Estimation of roof-top photovoltaic potential using satellite imagery and GIS." In Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2343-2347., 2013.
Singh, O., S. Singh, and S. B. Kedare. "Effect of thermal radiation on accuracy of restricted domain approach in a square open cavity." In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). Vol. 8., 2016.
Singh, M. P., M. E. Rahman, and S. Singh. "Nodalized reduced ordered model for stability analysis of supercritical fluid in heated channel." In American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) POWER. Vol. 2., 2018.