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Journal Article
Gangal, A. C., R. Edla, K. Iyer, R. Biniwale, M. Vashistha, and P. Sharma. "Effect of zeolites on thermal decomposition of ammonia borane." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012): 3712-3718.
Guo, Z. Y., X. B. Liu, W. Q. Tao, and R. K. Shah. "Effectiveness-thermal resistance method for heat exchanger design and analysis." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (2010): 2877-2884.
Jena, P., and R. Gupta. "Electrical analogy approach to estimate material category from transient thermal response." Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 169 (2021).
Gupta, R., P. Somasundaran, and D. K. Nandi. "Electrical simulation and characterization of shunts in solar cells." Applied Mechanics and Materials 110-116 (2012): 2453-2457.