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Conference Paper
Dhariwal, J.
, and
R. Banerjee
Naturally ventilated building design under uncertainty using design of experiments
." In
14th International Conference of IBPSA - Building Simulation 2015, BS 2015, Conference Proceedings
, 1708-1715., 2015.
Paul, S.
, and
Z. H. Rather
A new approach for selection of a suitable wind turbine for a wind farm
." In
IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2016
, 1-6. Vol. 2016-January., 2017.
Singh, M. P.
M. E. Rahman
, and
S. Singh
Nodalized reduced ordered model for stability analysis of supercritical fluid in heated channel
." In
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) POWER
. Vol. 2., 2018.
Duvvuri, P. P.
R. K. Shrivastava
, and
S. Sreedhara
Non-reactive in-cylinder flow simulation for a diesel engine
." In
International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems
, 580-583., 2018.
Khamitova, M.
M. Auyenur
B. Kamalbayev
H. S. V. S. Kumar Nunna
, and
S. Doolla
A novel adaptive relaying scheme for distribution networks with DG by considering fault severities
." In
SEST 2020 - 3rd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies
., 2020.
Venugopal, S.
, and
V. Agarwal
A novel control strategy for an ultra-capacitor based dynamic voltage restorer with controllable dc-link voltage
." In
2015 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2015
., 2015.
Sastry, A. P.
V. A. Chaudhary
, and
C. S. Solanki
Novel front metal contact patterning scheme for c-Si solar cells
." In
Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
, 3491-3493., 2010.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Novel maximum power point tracker for stand-alone self-excited induction generator
." In
Proceedings of India International Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE 2006
, 110-115., 2006.
Kumar, N.
S. Singh
, and
J. B. Doshi
A novel nodal integral method based solution for buoyancy driven flow
." In
ECCOMAS 2012 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, e-Book Full Papers
, 1172-1184., 2012.
Patil, P.
, and
V. Agarwal
Novel soft switched interleaved DC-DC converters for integration of renewable sources and storage into low voltage DC micro grid
." In
2015 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2015
., 2015.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Novel voltage controller for stand-alone induction generator using PWM-VSI
." In
Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society)
, 204-208. Vol. 1., 2006.
Kumar, N.
, and
S. Singh
Numerical solution of burgers-huxley equation using improved nodal integral method
." In
9th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD 2016 - Proceedings
., 2016.
Journal Article
Singha, B.
, and
C. S. Solanki
N-type solar cells: Advantages, issues, and current scenarios
Materials Research Express
4 (2017).
Raval, M. C.
S. S. Saseendran
S. Suckow
S. Saravanan
C. S. Solanki
, and
A. Kottantharayil
N2O plasma treatment for minimization of background plating in silicon solar cells with Ni-Cu front side metallization
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
144 (2016): 671-677.
Sen, U. K.
S. Sarkar
P. S. Veluri
S. Singh
, and
S. Mitra
Nano Dimensionality: A Way Towards Better Li-Ion Storage
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Asia
3 (2013): 21-35.
Dutta, P. K.
A. Sengupta
V. Goel
P. Preetham
A. Ahuja
, and
S. Mitra
Nano-/Micro-engineering for Future Li–Ion Batteries
Energy, Environment, and Sustainability
(2019): 141-176.
Ibrahim, A.
U. B. Memon
S. P. Duttagupta
I. Mahesh
R. K. S. Raman
A. Sarkar
G. Pendharkar
, and
S. S. V. Tatiparti
Nano-structured palladium impregnate graphitic carbon nitride composite for efficient hydrogen gas sensing
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
45 (2020): 10623-10636.
Tatiparti, S. S. V.
, and
F. Ebrahimi
Nanostructure stabilization in electrodeposited Al–Mg dendrites
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
694 (2017): 632-635.
Sarkar, A.
A. K. Sinha
, and
S. Mitra
Nanostructured vanadium tri-oxides, as a long life and high performance anode for sodium-ion battery
Electrochimica Acta
299 (2019): 914-925.
Sarkar, A.
, and
R. Banerjee
Net energy analysis of hydrogen storage options
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
30 (2005): 867-877.
Yadav, D.
, and
R. Banerjee
Net energy and carbon footprint analysis of solar hydrogen production from the high-temperature electrolysis process
Applied Energy
262 (2020).
Bandyopadhyay, S.
N. B. Desai
, and
A. Kashyap
A new approach towards carbon-constrained energy sector planning: A case study for Lakshadweep Islands, India
Chemical Engineering Transactions
45 (2015): 637-642.
Paul, S.
, and
Z. H. Rather
A New Bi-Level Planning Approach to Find Economic and Reliable Layout for Large-Scale Wind Farm
IEEE Systems Journal
13 (2019): 3080-3090.
Shinde, S. B.
, and
L. Kumar
New Method for Gelation Temperature Measurement without Disturbing the Crystal Network
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
Habib, G.
C. Venkataraman
M. Shrivastava
R. Banerjee
J. W. Stehr
, and
R. R. Dickerson
New methodology for estimating biofuel consumption for cooking: Atmospheric emissions of black carbon and sulfur dioxide from India
Global Biogeochemical Cycles
18 (2004): GB3007 1-11.
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