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Mahuli, N.
D. Halder
A. Paul
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Atomic layer deposition of amorphous antimony sulfide (a-Sb2S3) as semiconductor sensitizer in extremely thin absorber solar cell
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films
38 (2020).
Dhara, A.
D. Saha
S. Mitra
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Atomic layer deposition of nitrogen incorporated molybdenum oxide: Unveiling carrier transport mechanism and its application in Li-ion battery
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films
38 (2020).
Mohammed, H.
M. Kumar
, and
R. Gupta
Bypass diode effect on temperature distribution in crystalline silicon photovoltaic module under partial shading
Solar Energy
208 (2020): 182-194.
Sarkar, A.
, and
S. Mitra
Chemically sodiated ammonium vanadium oxide as a new generation high-performance cathode
Journal of Power Sources
452 (2020).
Meena, R.
S. Kumar
, and
R. Gupta
Comparative investigation and analysis of delaminated and discolored encapsulant degradation in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules
Solar Energy
203 (2020): 114-122.
Mishra, B. R.
N. Hanrieder
A. Modi
, and
S. B. Kedare
Comparison of three models to estimate the slant path atmospheric attenuation in central receiver solar thermal plants under Indian climatic conditions
Solar Energy
211 (2020): 1042-1052.
Adothu, B.
S. Chattopadhyay
P. Bhatt
P. Hui
F. R. Costa
, and
S. Mallick
Early-stage identification of encapsulants photobleaching and discoloration in crystalline silicon photovoltaic module laminates
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
28 (2020): 767-778.
Shajahan, M. I.
J. J. Michael
M. Arulprakasajothi
S. Suresh
E. A. Nasr
, and
H. M. A. Hussein
Effect of conical strip inserts and ZrO2/DI-water nanofluid on heat transfer augmentation: An experimental study
13 (2020).
Ghosh, S.
R. Singh
A. S. Subbiah
P. P. Boix
I. Mora Seró
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Enhanced operational stability through interfacial modification by active encapsulation of perovskite solar cells
Applied Physics Letters
116 (2020).
Shajahan, M. I.
P. Sambandam
J. J. Michael
, and
H. M. Abdelmoneam Hussein
Environmental impact of oxyhydrogen addition on high-speed gasoline engine characteristics
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects
Kumar, P.
R. Banerjee
, and
T. Mishra
A framework for analyzing trade-offs in cost and emissions in power sector
195 (2020).
Kumar, A.
A. Kumar
A. Kumar
A. Ghosh
A. Ghosh
A. Ghosh
M. Forsyth
M. Forsyth
D. R. MacFarlane
D. R. MacFarlane
et al.
Free-Radical Catalysis and Enhancement of the Redox Kinetics for Room-Temperature Sodium-Sulfur Batteries
ACS Energy Letters
5 (2020): 2112-2121.
Majumder, S.
S. Khaparde
A. P. Agalgaonkar
S. V. Kulkarni
, and
S. Perera
Graph Theory based Voltage Sag Mitigation Cluster Formation Utilizing Dynamic Voltage Restorers in Radial Distribution Networks
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
Monisha, M.
P. Permude
A. Ghosh
A. Kumar
S. Zafar
S. Mitra
, and
B. Lochab
Halogen-free flame-retardant sulfur copolymers with stable Li–S battery performance
Energy Storage Materials
29 (2020): 350-360.
Panda, M. R.
R. Gangwar
D. Muthuraj
S. Sau
D. Pandey
A. Banerjee
A. Chakrabarti
A. Sagdeo
M. Weyland
M. Majumder
et al.
High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Layered 2H-MoTe2 as Anode
16 (2020).
Azibek, B.
A. Abukhan
H. S. V. S. K. Nunna
B. Mukatov
S. Kamalasadan
, and
S. Doolla
Hosting Capacity Enhancement in Low Voltage Distribution Networks: Challenges and Solutions
." In
2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, PESGRE 2020
., 2020.
Nayak, P.
S. Mandal
Y. Gupta
A. Shukla
, and
S. Doolla
Improving the efficiency of the DAB converter of an on-board EV charger using different modulation techniques
." In
9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2020
., 2020.
Ghosh, A.
A. Kumar
T. Das
A. Ghosh
S. Chakraborty
M. Kar
D. R. MacFarlane
, and
S. Mitra
Lewis Acid–Base Interactions between Polysulfides and Boehmite Enables Stable Room-Temperature Sodium–Sulfur Batteries
Advanced Functional Materials
30 (2020).
Anwani, S.
R. Methekar
, and
V. Ramadesigan
Life cycle assessment and economic analysis of acidic leaching and baking routes for the production of cobalt oxalate from spent lithium-ion batteries
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
22 (2020): 2092-2106.
Furquan, M.
M. K. Jangid
A. R. Khatribail
S. Vijayalakshmi
A. Mukhopadhyay
, and
S. Mitra
Mechanical and Electrochemical Stability Improvement of SiC-Reinforced Silicon-Based Composite Anode for Li-Ion Batteries
ACS Applied Energy Materials
3 (2020): 12613-12626.
Ginley, D.
R. Aswathi
S. R. Atchuta
B. Basu
S. Basu
J. M. Christian
A. Dan
N. Dani
R. N. Das
P. Dutta
et al.
Multiscale Concentrated Solar Power
Lecture Notes in Energy
39 (2020): 87-132.
Ibrahim, A.
U. B. Memon
S. P. Duttagupta
I. Mahesh
R. K. S. Raman
A. Sarkar
G. Pendharkar
, and
S. S. V. Tatiparti
Nano-structured palladium impregnate graphitic carbon nitride composite for efficient hydrogen gas sensing
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
45 (2020): 10623-10636.
Wadekar, P. H.
A. Ghosh
R. V. Khose
D. A. Pethsangave
S. Mitra
, and
S. Some
A novel chemical reduction/co-precipitation method to prepare sulfur functionalized reduced graphene oxide for lithium-sulfur batteries
Electrochimica Acta
344 (2020).
Maheshwari, M.
A. Jana
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Optimizing the Modal Split to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emission for Resource-Constrained Societies
." In
Transportation Research Procedia
, 2063-2073. Vol. 48., 2020.
Zhao, L.
B. Bhatia
L. Zhang
E. Strobach
A. Leroy
M. K. Yadav
S. Yang
T. A. Cooper
L. A. Weinstein
A. Modi
et al.
A Passive High-Temperature High-Pressure Solar Steam Generator for Medical Sterilization
4 (2020): 2733-2745.
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