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Bandyopadhyay, S.. "Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): we shall overcome." Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 22 (2020): 545-546.
Zachariah, S., V. K. Bajpai, V. P. Kumar, and C. S. Solanki. "Direct Solar PV-LED Lighting System." In Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2200-2202. Vol. 2020-June., 2020.
Sabnis, S. P., and S. Seethamraju. "DRY REFORMING of BIOGAS to SYNGAS - AN ECO-FRIENDLY RENEWABLE FUEL for i C ENGINES." In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). Vol. 8., 2020.
Thakar, S., A. S. Vijay, and S. Doolla. "Effect of P-Q Limits on Microgrid Reconfiguration: A Capability Curve Perspective." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (2020): 2040-2048.
Tiwari, S., and R. P. Saini. "Experimental investigation of packed-bed solar thermal storage." Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy 173 (2020): 157-166.
Kalakova, A., Y. Amanbek, H. S. V. S. Kumar Nunna, P. Jamwal, and S. Doolla. "Feasibility Study of Energy Storage Systems for a Wind Farm: A Case of Ereymentau Region in Kazakhstan." In Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2020, 364-369., 2020.