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Journal Article
Singdeo, D.
T. Dey
S. Gaikwad
S. J. Andreasen
, and
P. C. Ghosh
A new modified-serpentine flow field for application in high temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cell
Applied Energy
195 (2017): 13-22.
Kumar, P. R.
, and
S. Mitra
Nickel ferrite as a stable, high capacity and high rate anode for Li-ion battery applications
RSC Advances
3 (2013): 25058-25064.
Karajagi, I.
K. Ramya
P. C. Ghosh
A. Sarkar
, and
N. Rajalakshmi
Nickel integrated carbon electrodes for improved stability
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
167 (2020).
Muthuraj, D.
A. Ghosh
A. Kumar
, and
S. Mitra
Nitrogen and Sulfur Doped Carbon Cloth as Current Collector and Polysulfide Immobilizer for Magnesium-Sulfur Batteries
6 (2019): 684-689.
Kumar, N.
S. Singh
, and
J. B. Doshi
Nodal integral method using quadrilateral elements for transport equations: Part 1-convection-diffusion equation
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals
64 (2013): 1-21.
Kumar, N.
S. Singh
, and
J. B. Doshi
Nodal integral method using quadrilateral elements for transport equations: Part 2-navier-stokes equations
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals
64 (2013): 22-47.
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Non linear stability analysis of parallel channels with natural circulation
Nuclear Engineering and Design
309 (2016): 136-150.
Roy, S.
, and
R. Gupta
Non-destructive approach for severity investigation of shunts in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules by combination of electroluminescence imaging and lock-in thermography
Measurement Science and Technology
30 (2019).
Goyal, V.
V. Hassija
V. Pandey
, and
S. Singh
Non-linear dynamics of single phase rectangular natural circulation loop
Progress in Nuclear Energy
130 (2020).
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Non-linear stability analysis of uniformly heated parallel channels for different inclinations
Applied Thermal Engineering
98 (2016): 1189-1200.
Karbouj, H.
Z. H. Rather
D. Flynn
, and
H. W. Qazi
Non-synchronous fast frequency reserves in renewable energy integrated power systems: A critical review
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
106 (2019): 488-501.
Sinha, A.
O. S. Sastry
, and
R. Gupta
Nondestructive characterization of encapsulant discoloration effects in crystalline-silicon PV modules
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
155 (2016): 234-242.
Kishor, V.
R. Kumar
S. Singh
, and
A. Srivastava
Nonintrusive experimental study of natural convection in an open square cavity at different inclinations
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing
27 (2020): 333-357.
Chakraborty, A.
S. Singh
, and
M. P. S. Fernando
A novel approach for bifurcation analysis of out of phase xenon oscillations using multipoint reactor kinetics
Nuclear Engineering and Design
328 (2018): 333-344.
Wadekar, P. H.
A. Ghosh
R. V. Khose
D. A. Pethsangave
S. Mitra
, and
S. Some
A novel chemical reduction/co-precipitation method to prepare sulfur functionalized reduced graphene oxide for lithium-sulfur batteries
Electrochimica Acta
344 (2020).
Singh, O.
K. Bhatwadekar
N. G. Kartheek
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. Singh
A novel design of liquid volumetric plated cavity receiver for central tower systems
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME
143 (2021).
Desai, A. N.
H. Shah
, and
V. K. Singh
Novel inverted fin configurations for enhancing the thermal performance of PCM based thermal control unit: A numerical study
Applied Thermal Engineering
195 (2021).
Singh, C. C.
A. N. R. Choudhury
D. S. Sutar
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Novel plasma-assisted combustion route for NiOx thin film deposition
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
31 (2020): 19836-19845.
Subbiah, A. S.
N. Mathews
S. Mhaisalkar
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Novel Plasma-Assisted Low-Temperature-Processed SnO2 Thin Films for Efficient Flexible Perovskite Photovoltaics
ACS Energy Letters
3 (2018): 1482-1491.
Shah, P. R.
, and
A. Ganesh
A novel strategy of periodic dosing of soy-lecithin as additive during long term test of diesel engine fueled with straight vegetable oil
228 (2018): 405-417.
Chaudhari, V. A.
, and
C. S. Solanki
A novel two step metallization of Ni/Cu for low concentrator c-Si solar cells
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
94 (2010): 2094-2101.
Karbouj, H.
, and
Z. H. Rather
A Novel Wind Farm Control Strategy to Mitigate Voltage Dip Induced Frequency Excursion
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
10 (2019): 637-645.
Saxena, A.
N. Jhamaria
S. Singh
, and
S. S. Sahoo
Numerical analysis of convective and radiative heat losses from trapezoidal cavity receiver in LFR systems
Solar Energy
137 (2016): 308-316.
Shyamkumar, P. I.
S. Singh
A. Srivastava
, and
M. Visaria
Numerical Investigation of Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer for Different Superheat Conditions
Heat Transfer Engineering
Desai, A. N.
A. Gunjal
, and
V. K. Singh
Numerical investigations of fin efficacy for phase change material (PCM) based thermal control module
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
147 (2020).
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