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Conference Paper
Kalysh, I.
M. Kenzhina
N. Kaiyrbekov
H. S. V. S. Kumar Nunna
A. Dadlani
, and
S. Doolla
Machine Learning-based Service Restoration Scheme for Smart Distribution Systems with DGs and High Priority Loads
." In
SEST 2019 - 2nd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies
., 2019.
Rai, D. K.
A. K. Panchal
D. S. Sutar
C. S. Solanki
, and
K. R. Balasubramaniam
Mechanism for formation of ultra thin SiNx on a-Si - XPS and FTIR studies
." In
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2015
., 2015.
Sawal, N.
J. Venkateswaran
C. S. Solanki
, and
N. C. Narayanan
Million Solar Urja Lamp Programme: A supply chain experience
." In
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
, 342-346. Vol. 2016-January., 2016.
Maskarenj, M. S.
R. Chavali
A. Mathur
P. C. Ghosh
, and
S. K. Mitra
Mitigation of biofouling through in-plane application of weak DC current in presence of antimicrobials
." In
ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, ICNMM 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems
., 2015.
Ajmerwala, A. A.
R. Gupta
, and
V. Agarwal
Model-based maximum power point tracking of an ageing solar PV module
." In
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing, PICC 2018
, 1-6., 2018.
Patel, M.
, and
M. Mahajan
Modeling and simulation of vehicle behavior for design and tuning of electronic diffe rential for formula student vehicle
." In
Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
. Vol. 3., 2016.
Vadabhat, V.
, and
R. Banerjee
Modeling of demand side management options for commercial sector in Maharashtra
." In
Energy Procedia
, 541-551. Vol. 52., 2014.
Wu, X.
M. Bliss
T. Betts
R. Gottschalg
A. Sinha
, and
R. Gupta
Modeling spatial electrical properties in photovoltaic modules using PV-oriented nodal analysis
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 8098-8103., 2013.
Jacob, A. S.
R. Banerjee
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Modelling and simulation of a PV battery grid backup system for various climatic zones of India
." In
Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
, 1807-1812. Vol. 2016-November., 2016.
Jacob, A. S.
R. Banerjee
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Modelling and simulation of a PV battery grid backup system for various climatic zones of India
." In
2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2017
, 2975-2980., 2017.
Mathew, D.
A. Shukla
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Modified predictive current control of Neutral-Point Clamped converter with reduced switching frequency
." In
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC
, 3286-3290. Vol. 2016-May., 2016.
Verma, P.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Modified sector scheme to overcome flux drooping of direct torque controlled IPMSM
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 862-866., 2006.
Bhatia, S.
I. M. Khorakiwala
K. K. Markose
P. R. Nair
, and
A. Antony
Moo3 as hole-selective contact for diffusion-free solar cells
." In
Springer Proceedings in Physics
, 329-333. Vol. 215., 2019.
Panda, M. R.
R. K. Anish
Q. Bao
, and
S. Mitra
MoTe2, A novel anode material for sodium ion battery
." In
AIP Conference Proceedings
. Vol. 1942., 2018.
Felix, A.
H. S. V. S. K. Nunna
S. Doolla
, and
A. Shukla
Multi agent based restoration for smart distribution system with microgrids
." In
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015
, 2341-2347., 2015.
Nunna, H. S. V. S. K.
S. Doolla
, and
A. Shukla
Multi-agent application for demand response in microgrids
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 7629-7634., 2013.
Bhasin, P.
H. S. V. S. K. Kumar Nunna
S. Doolla
, and
S. V. Kulkarni
Multi-Agent based diagnosis framework for transformers in a smart distribution system
." In
2014 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2014
., 2014.
Battula, S.
A. Sesetti
H. S. V. S. Kumar Nunna
, and
S. Doolla
Multi-Agent framework for charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in microgrids with demand response
." In
2014 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2014
., 2014.
Journal Article
Dalai, S.
S. Vijayalakshmi
P. Sharma
, and
K. Y. Choo
Magnesium and iron loaded hollow glass microspheres (HGMs) for hydrogen storage
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
39 (2014): 16451-16458.
Muthuraj, D.
M. Pandey
M. Krishna
A. Ghosh
R. Sen
P. Johari
, and
S. Mitra
Magnesium polysulfide catholyte (MgSx): Synthesis, electrochemical and computational study for magnesium-sulfur battery application
Journal of Power Sources
486 (2021).
Mohammed, H.
M. Kumar
, and
R. Gupta
Mapping of most frequent operating condition of photovoltaic module across India
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
47 (2021).
Bandyopadhyay, S.
Mathematical foundation of Pinch Analysis
Chemical Engineering Transactions
45 (2015): 1753-1758.
Sahu, G. C.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Mathematically rigorous algebraic and graphical techniques for targeting minimum resource requirement and interplant flow rate for total site involving two plants
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
51 (2012): 3401-3417.
Chaturvedi, N. D.
Z. A. Manan
S. R. Wan Alwi
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Maximising heat recovery in batch processes via product streams storage and shifting
Journal of Cleaner Production
112 (2016): 2802-2812.
Phurailatpam, C.
Z. H. Rather
B. Bahrani
, and
S. Doolla
Measurement-Based Estimation of Inertia in AC Microgrids
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
11 (2020): 1975-1984.
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