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Journal Article
Banerjee, R.
Mission-oriented higher education institution: Some concerns
Current Science
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Kulkarni, O. V.
S. Doolla
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B. G. Fernandes
Mode Transition Control Strategy for Multiple Inverter-Based Distributed Generators Operating in Grid-Connected and Standalone Mode
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
53 (2017): 5927-5939.
Sardeshpande, V.
U. N. Gaitonde
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R. Banerjee
Model based energy benchmarking for glass furnace
Energy Conversion and Management
48 (2007): 2718-2738.
Ghosh, P.
M. A. Kamoji
S. B. Kedare
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S. V. Prabhu
Model testing of single- and three-stage modified savonius rotors and viability study of modified savonius pump rotor systems
International Journal of Green Energy
6 (2009): 22-41.
Bhosale, A. C.
S. R. Mane
D. Singdeo
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P. C. Ghosh
Modeling and experimental validation of a unitized regenerative fuel cell in electrolysis mode of operation
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Duvvuri, P. P.
S. Sukumaran
R. K. Shrivastava
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S. Sreedhara
Modeling soot particle size distribution in diesel engines
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Duvvuri, P. P.
S. Sukumaran
R. K. Shrivastava
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S. Sreedhara
Modeling the effect of parametric variations on soot particle size distribution in a diesel engine
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME
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Ghosh, P. C.
H. Dohle
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J. Mergel
Modelling of heterogeneities inside polymer electrolyte fuel cells due to oxidants
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
34 (2009): 8204-8212.
Singdeo, D.
T. Dey
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P. C. Ghosh
Modelling of start-up time for high temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells
36 (2011): 6081-6089.
Saha, S.
A. V. Dandekar
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V. P. Sundersingh
A modified approach of feeding regenerative energy to the mains
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
43 (1996): 510-514.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
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G. C. Sahu
Modified problem table algorithm for energy targeting
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
49 (2010): 11557-11563.
Choudhury, D.
S. K. Sarkar
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Molecular layer deposition of alucone films using trimethylaluminum and hydroquinone
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films
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S. S. Sahoo
D. Khatiwada
S. Singh
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A Monte Carlo based approach for exergo-economic modeling of solar water heater
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects
Sarkar, S.
P. S. Veluri
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S. Mitra
Morphology controlled synthesis of layered NH4V 4O10 and the impact of binder on stable high rate electrochemical performance
Electrochimica Acta
132 (2014): 448-456.
Nunna, H. S. V. S. K.
A. M. Saklani
A. Sesetti
S. Battula
S. Doolla
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D. Srinivasan
Multi-agent based Demand Response management system for combined operation of smart microgrids
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
6 (2016): 25-34.
Patel, A.
H. S. V. S. Kumar Nunna
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S. Doolla
Multi-Agent-Based Forecast Update Methods for Profit Enhancement of Intermittent Distributed Generators in a Smart Microgrid
Electric Power Components and Systems
46 (2018): 1782-1794.
Sonawane, J. M.
A. Gupta
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P. C. Ghosh
Multi-electrode microbial fuel cell (MEMFC): A close analysis towards large scale system architecture
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
38 (2013): 5106-5114.
Agarwal, G.
S. Singh
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H. Bindra
Multi-group lattice Boltzmann method for criticality problems
Annals of Nuclear Energy
140 (2020).
Jain, S.
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S. Bandyopadhyay
Multi-objective optimisation for segregated targeting problems using Pinch Analysis
Journal of Cleaner Production
221 (2019): 339-352.
Sharma, I.
A. F. A. Hoadley
S. M. Mahajani
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A. Ganesh
Multi-objective optimisation of a Rectisol™ process for carbon capture
Journal of Cleaner Production
119 (2016): 196-206.
Krishna Priya, G. S.
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S. Bandyopadhyay
Multi-objective pinch analysis for power system planning
Applied Energy
202 (2017): 335-347.
Priya, G. S. K.
S. Bandyopadhyay
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R. R. Tan
Multi-objective pinch analysis with multiple resources
Chemical Engineering Transactions
45 (2015): 823-828.
Paul, S.
A. P. Nath
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Z. H. Rather
A Multi-Objective Planning Framework for Coordinated Generation from Offshore Wind Farm and Battery Energy Storage System
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
11 (2020): 2087-2097.
Kumar Nunna, H. S. V. S.
, and
S. Doolla
Multiagent-based distributed-energy-resource management for intelligent microgrids
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
60 (2013): 1678-1687.
Nunna, H. S. V. S. K.
A. Sesetti
A. K. Rathore
, and
S. Doolla
Multiagent-Based Energy Trading Platform for Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Systems with Interconnected Microgrids
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
56 (2020): 3207-3217.
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