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Banerjee, R.
Load management in the Indian power sector using US experience
23 (1998): 961-972.
Daggupati, S.
R. N. Mandapati
S. M. Mahajani
A. Ganesh
D. K. Mathur
R. K. Sharma
, and
P. Aghalayam
Laboratory studies on combustion cavity growth in lignite coal blocks in the context of underground coal gasification
35 (2010): 2374-2386.
Manna, J.
M. Vashistha
, and
P. Sharma
Lithium borohydride as a hydrogen storage material: A review
International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment
11 (2010): 65-97.
Daggupati, S.
R. N. Mandapati
S. M. Mahajani
A. Ganesh
R. K. Sapru
R. K. Sharma
, and
P. Aghalayam
Laboratory studies on cavity growth and product gas composition in the context of underground coal gasification
36 (2011): 1776-1784.
Doolla, S.
T. S. Bhatti
, and
R. C. Bansal
Load frequency control of an isolated small hydro power plant using multi-pipe scheme
Electric Power Components and Systems
39 (2011): 46-63.
Rajarathinam, S.
S. Mitra
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R. K. Petla
Li2MnO3 rich-LiMn0.33Co 0.33Ni0.33O2 integrated nano-composites as high energy density lithium-ion battery cathode materials
Electrochimica Acta
108 (2013): 135-144.
Kumar, A.
S. Mondal
A. Soman
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A. Antony
Laser fired ohmic contacts in silicon using pulse modulated CW laser
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2014 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Emerging Electronics: Materials to Devices, ICEE 2014 - Conference Proceedings
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Sarkar, S.
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S. Mitra
Li3V2(PO4)3 addition to the olivine phase: Understanding the effect in electrochemical performance
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
118 (2014): 11512-11525.
Sarkar, S.
P. Mahale
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S. Mitra
Lithium rich composition of Li2RuO3 and Li 2Ru1-xIrxO3 layered materials as li-ion battery cathode
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
161 (2014): A934-A942.
Chaturvedi, N. D.
Z. A. Manan
S. R. W. Alwi
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S. Bandyopadhyay
A linear mathematical model to determine the minimum utility targets for a batch process
Chemical Engineering Transactions
45 (2015): 115-120.
Paul, S.
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S. Singh
Linear stability analysis of flow instabilities with a nodalized reduced order model in heated channel
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
98 (2015): 312-331.
Gairola, A.
H. Bindra
G. Agarwal
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S. Singh
Lattice Boltzmann method for solving time-dependent radiation transport and reactor criticality problems
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International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE
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Arora, N.
R. Tejwani
C. S. Solanki
N. C. Narayanan
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J. Venkateswaran
Localization of Solar Energy through Local Assembly, Sale and Usage of 1Million Solar Study Lamps
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Energy Procedia
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Sonawane, J. M.
S. B. Adeloju
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P. C. Ghosh
Landfill leachate: A promising substrate for microbial fuel cells
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
42 (2017): 23794-23798.
Patidar, S.
S. Kumar
A. Srivastava
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S. Singh
Lattice Boltzmann method-based solution of radiative transfer equation for investigating light propagation through laser-irradiated tissue phantoms
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
84 (2017): 144-149.
Das, J.
P. C. Ghosh
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R. Banerjee
Life cycle analysis of battery technologies for photovoltaic application in India
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International Conference on 21st Century Energy Needs - Materials, Systems and Applications, ICTFCEN 2016
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Desai, N. B.
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S. Bandyopadhyay
Line-focusing concentrating solar collector-based power plants: a review
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
19 (2017): 9-35.
Kumar, A.
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S. K. Saha
Latent heat thermal storage with variable porosity metal matrix: A numerical study
Renewable Energy
125 (2018): 962-973.
Jani, D.
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B. Rangan
Life cycle energy and carbon footprint analysis of large MW scale grid connected wind power systems in India
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E3S Web of Conferences
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Das, J.
A. P. Abraham
P. C. Ghosh
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R. Banerjee
Life cycle energy and carbon footprint analysis of photovoltaic battery microgrid system in India
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
20 (2018): 65-80.
Patil, V. S.
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R. P. Vedula
Local heat transfer for jet impingement onto a concave surface including injection nozzle length to diameter and curvature ratio effects
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
92 (2018): 375-389.
Solanki, C. S.
N. C. Narayanan
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J. Venkateswaran
Localization-affordability-saturation for speedy distribution of solar study lamps to millions
Current Science
114 (2018): 2027-2033.
Maskarenj, M.
R. Banerjee
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P. C. Ghosh
A low cost sky-scanning device as centralized sensor for realtime light control in building management application
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Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
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Sonawane, J. M.
S. A. Patil
P. C. Ghosh
, and
S. B. Adeloju
Low-cost stainless-steel wool anodes modified with polyaniline and polypyrrole for high-performance microbial fuel cells
Journal of Power Sources
379 (2018): 103-114.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
Let us ‘bring back the forest’
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
21 (2019): 1381.
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