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Journal Article
Sarkar, A.
A. K. Sinha
, and
S. Mitra
Nanostructured vanadium tri-oxides, as a long life and high performance anode for sodium-ion battery
Electrochimica Acta
299 (2019): 914-925.
Sarkar, A.
, and
R. Banerjee
Net energy analysis of hydrogen storage options
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
30 (2005): 867-877.
Shinde, S. B.
, and
L. Kumar
New Method for Gelation Temperature Measurement without Disturbing the Crystal Network
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
Habib, G.
C. Venkataraman
M. Shrivastava
R. Banerjee
J. W. Stehr
, and
R. R. Dickerson
New methodology for estimating biofuel consumption for cooking: Atmospheric emissions of black carbon and sulfur dioxide from India
Global Biogeochemical Cycles
18 (2004): GB3007 1-11.
Singdeo, D.
T. Dey
S. Gaikwad
S. J. Andreasen
, and
P. C. Ghosh
A new modified-serpentine flow field for application in high temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cell
Applied Energy
195 (2017): 13-22.
Karajagi, I.
K. Ramya
P. C. Ghosh
A. Sarkar
, and
N. Rajalakshmi
Nickel integrated carbon electrodes for improved stability
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
167 (2020).
Kumar, N.
S. Singh
, and
J. B. Doshi
Nodal integral method using quadrilateral elements for transport equations: Part 1-convection-diffusion equation
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals
64 (2013): 1-21.
Kumar, N.
S. Singh
, and
J. B. Doshi
Nodal integral method using quadrilateral elements for transport equations: Part 2-navier-stokes equations
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals
64 (2013): 22-47.
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Non linear stability analysis of parallel channels with natural circulation
Nuclear Engineering and Design
309 (2016): 136-150.
Goyal, V.
V. Hassija
V. Pandey
, and
S. Singh
Non-linear dynamics of single phase rectangular natural circulation loop
Progress in Nuclear Energy
130 (2020).
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Non-linear stability analysis of uniformly heated parallel channels for different inclinations
Applied Thermal Engineering
98 (2016): 1189-1200.
Sinha, A.
O. S. Sastry
, and
R. Gupta
Nondestructive characterization of encapsulant discoloration effects in crystalline-silicon PV modules
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
155 (2016): 234-242.
Kishor, V.
R. Kumar
S. Singh
, and
A. Srivastava
Nonintrusive experimental study of natural convection in an open square cavity at different inclinations
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing
27 (2020): 333-357.
Chakraborty, A.
S. Singh
, and
M. P. S. Fernando
A novel approach for bifurcation analysis of out of phase xenon oscillations using multipoint reactor kinetics
Nuclear Engineering and Design
328 (2018): 333-344.
Wadekar, P. H.
A. Ghosh
R. V. Khose
D. A. Pethsangave
S. Mitra
, and
S. Some
A novel chemical reduction/co-precipitation method to prepare sulfur functionalized reduced graphene oxide for lithium-sulfur batteries
Electrochimica Acta
344 (2020).
Singh, O.
K. Bhatwadekar
N. G. Kartheek
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. Singh
A novel design of liquid volumetric plated cavity receiver for central tower systems
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME
143 (2021).
Desai, A. N.
H. Shah
, and
V. K. Singh
Novel inverted fin configurations for enhancing the thermal performance of PCM based thermal control unit: A numerical study
Applied Thermal Engineering
195 (2021).
Singh, C. C.
A. N. R. Choudhury
D. S. Sutar
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Novel plasma-assisted combustion route for NiOx thin film deposition
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
31 (2020): 19836-19845.
Subbiah, A. S.
N. Mathews
S. Mhaisalkar
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Novel Plasma-Assisted Low-Temperature-Processed SnO2 Thin Films for Efficient Flexible Perovskite Photovoltaics
ACS Energy Letters
3 (2018): 1482-1491.
Shah, P. R.
, and
A. Ganesh
A novel strategy of periodic dosing of soy-lecithin as additive during long term test of diesel engine fueled with straight vegetable oil
228 (2018): 405-417.
Chaudhari, V. A.
, and
C. S. Solanki
A novel two step metallization of Ni/Cu for low concentrator c-Si solar cells
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
94 (2010): 2094-2101.
Saxena, A.
N. Jhamaria
S. Singh
, and
S. S. Sahoo
Numerical analysis of convective and radiative heat losses from trapezoidal cavity receiver in LFR systems
Solar Energy
137 (2016): 308-316.
Shyamkumar, P. I.
S. Singh
A. Srivastava
, and
M. Visaria
Numerical Investigation of Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer for Different Superheat Conditions
Heat Transfer Engineering
Desai, A. N.
A. Gunjal
, and
V. K. Singh
Numerical investigations of fin efficacy for phase change material (PCM) based thermal control module
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
147 (2020).
Shendage, D. J.
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. L. Bapat
Numerical investigations on the Dish–Stirling engine system
International Journal of Ambient Energy
40 (2019): 274-284.
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