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Hajari, A.
B. Roy
V. Kumar
A. Bishnoi
, and
P. Sharma
Regeneration of Supported Ammonia Borane to Achieve Higher Yield
6 (2021): 1276-1282.
Sreeraj, P.
R. Vedarajan
N. Rajalakshmi
, and
V. Ramadesigan
Screening of recycled membrane with crystallinity as a fundamental property
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
46 (2021): 13020-13028.
Raj, V.
S. Ghosh
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Transient photovoltage overshoot in multi-cation perovskite solar cells: An interplay between interfacial ionic layer and photoinduced electric field
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
230 (2021).
Karajagi, I.
K. Ramya
P. C. Ghosh
A. Sarkar
, and
N. Rajalakshmi
Co-doped carbon materials synthesized with polymeric precursors as bifunctional electrocatalysts
RSC Advances
10 (2020): 35966-35978.
Halder, A.
Y. Rakita
D. Cahen
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Effect of Low Pressure on Tetragonal to Cubic Phase Transition of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
11 (2020): 1473-1476.
Raj, V.
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Eradication of non-capacitive effects with potassium incorporation in perovskite solar cells
Journal of Applied Physics
128 (2020).
Nunna, H. S. V. S. K.
B. Azibek
A. Khamitov
P. K. Jamwal
A. K. Rathore
, and
S. Doolla
Increasing Hosting Capacity of Distribution Networks by Microgrid Reactive Power Management
." In
2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, PESGRE 2020
., 2020.
Anwani, S.
R. Methekar
, and
V. Ramadesigan
Life cycle assessment and economic analysis of acidic leaching and baking routes for the production of cobalt oxalate from spent lithium-ion batteries
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
22 (2020): 2092-2106.
Phurailatpam, C.
Z. H. Rather
B. Bahrani
, and
S. Doolla
Measurement-Based Estimation of Inertia in AC Microgrids
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
11 (2020): 1975-1984.
Rout, A.
S. S. Sahoo
D. Khatiwada
S. Singh
, and
C. S. Solanki
A Monte Carlo based approach for exergo-economic modeling of solar water heater
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects
Paul, S.
A. P. Nath
, and
Z. H. Rather
A Multi-Objective Planning Framework for Coordinated Generation from Offshore Wind Farm and Battery Energy Storage System
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
11 (2020): 2087-2097.
Nunna, H. S. V. S. K.
A. Sesetti
A. K. Rathore
, and
S. Doolla
Multiagent-Based Energy Trading Platform for Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Systems with Interconnected Microgrids
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
56 (2020): 3207-3217.
Ginley, D.
R. Aswathi
S. R. Atchuta
B. Basu
S. Basu
J. M. Christian
A. Dan
N. Dani
R. N. Das
P. Dutta
et al.
Multiscale Concentrated Solar Power
Lecture Notes in Energy
39 (2020): 87-132.
Ibrahim, A.
U. B. Memon
S. P. Duttagupta
I. Mahesh
R. K. S. Raman
A. Sarkar
G. Pendharkar
, and
S. S. V. Tatiparti
Nano-structured palladium impregnate graphitic carbon nitride composite for efficient hydrogen gas sensing
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
45 (2020): 10623-10636.
Karajagi, I.
K. Ramya
P. C. Ghosh
A. Sarkar
, and
N. Rajalakshmi
Nickel integrated carbon electrodes for improved stability
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
167 (2020).
Kumar, V.
S. Bandhyopadhyay
K. Ramamritham
, and
A. Jana
Optimizing the Redevelopment Cost of Urban Areas to Minimize the Fire Susceptibility of Heterogeneous Urban Settings in Developing Nations: a Case from Mumbai, India
Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability
4 (2020): 361-378.
Bonkile, M. P.
, and
V. Ramadesigan
Physics-based models in PV-battery hybrid power systems: Thermal management and degradation analysis
Journal of Energy Storage
31 (2020).
Kumar, V.
S. Bandyopadhyay
K. Ramamritham
, and
A. Jana
Pinch analysis to reduce fire susceptibility by redeveloping urban built forms
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
22 (2020): 1531-1546.
Adil, M.
A. Sarkar
A. Roy
M. R. Panda
A. Nagendra
, and
S. Mitra
Practical Aqueous Calcium-Ion Battery Full-Cells for Future Stationary Storage
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
12 (2020): 11489-11503.
Anwani, S.
R. Methekar
, and
V. Ramadesigan
Resynthesizing of lithium cobalt oxide from spent lithium-ion batteries using an environmentally benign and economically viable recycling process
197 (2020).
Ginley, D.
J. Ager
R. Agrawal
M. A. Alam
B. M. Arora
S. Avasthi
D. Basak
P. Bhargava
P. Biswas
B. Bora
et al.
Sustainable Photovoltaics
Lecture Notes in Energy
39 (2020): 25-85.
Ghosh, A.
A. Kumar
A. Roy
C. Nguyen
A. Ahuja
M. Adil
M. Chatti
M. Kar
D. R. MacFarlane
, and
S. Mitra
Ultrathin Lithium Aluminate Nanoflake-Inlaid Sulfur as a Cathode Material for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries with High Areal Capacity
ACS Applied Energy Materials
3 (2020): 5637-5645.
Patel, A. K.
M. R. Panda
E. Rani
H. Singh
S. S. Samatham
A. Nagendra
S. N. Jha
D. Bhattacharyya
K. G. Suresh
, and
S. Mitra
Unique Structure-Induced Magnetic and Electrochemical Activity in Nanostructured Transition Metal Tellurates Co1 - XNi xTeO4(x = 0, 0.5, and 1)
ACS Applied Energy Materials
3 (2020): 9436-9448.
Singh, M. P.
M. E. Rahman
O. Singh
, and
S. Singh
Bifurcation analysis of the super-critical carbon dioxide flow in heated channel
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Proceedings of the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference
, 759-766. Vol. 2019-April., 2019.
Raj K, A.
M. R. Panda
D. P. Dutta
, and
S. Mitra
Bio-derived mesoporous disordered carbon: An excellent anode in sodium-ion battery and full-cell lab prototype
143 (2019): 402-412.
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