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Markose, K. K., R. Anjana, P. P. Subha, A. Antony, and M. K. Jayaraj. "Enhancement of a-Si:H solar cell efficiency by Y2O3: Yb3+, Er3+ near infrared spectral upconverter." In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 9937., 2016.
Manoj Kumar, M. V., and R. Banerjee. "Power quality of renewable isolated power systems - A case study." In 2010 5th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2010, 486-489., 2010.
Manna, J., M. Vashistha, and P. Sharma. "Lithium borohydride as a hydrogen storage material: A review." International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment 11 (2010): 65-97.
Manish, S., and R. Banerjee. "Techno-economic assessment of fuel cell vehicles for India." In 16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2006, WHEC 2006, 322-332. Vol. 1., 2006.
Manish, S., K. V. Venkatesh, and R. Banerjee. "Metabolic flux analysis of biological hydrogen production by Escherichia coli." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007): 3820-3830.
Manish, S., and R. Banerjee. "Comparison of biohydrogen production processes." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 (2008): 279-286.
Manish, S., I. R. Pillai, and R. Banerjee. "Sustainability analysis of renewables for climate change mitigation." Energy for Sustainable Development 10 (2006): 25-36.
Mandol, B., N. Mahuli, K. Ohno, L. Scudder, and S. K. Sarkar. "Atomic layer deposition of chromium oxide - An interplay between deposition and etching." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 39 (2021).
Mandapati, R. N., D. Sateesh, D. Narseh, S. M. Mahajani, A. Ganesh, R. K. Sharma, and P. Aghalayam. "Studies on gasification of char in fixed bed reactor." In 27th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2010, PCC 2010, 981-994. Vol. 2., 2010.
Makhija, G., M. Mahajan, N. Bansod, and S. Bakshi. "Design and optimization of powertrain using hybrid planetary gearbox for Formula Student vehicle." In Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. Vol. 10., 2015.