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Bhattacharya, S.
A. Bohra
R. Basu
R. Bhatt
S. Ahmad
K. N. Meshram
A. K. Debnath
A. Singh
S. K. Sarkar
M. Navneethan
et al.
High thermoelectric performance of (AgCrSe2)0.5(CuCrSe2)0.5 nano-composites having all-scale natural hierarchical architectures
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
2 (2014): 17122-17129.
Shrivastava, P.
S. Dalai
P. Sudera
S. Vijayalakshmi
, and
P. Sharma
Hollow glass microspheres as potential adjunct with orthopaedic metal implants
Microelectronic Engineering
126 (2014): 103-106.
Dey, T.
D. Singdeo
R. N. Basu
M. Bose
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Improvement in solid oxide fuel cell performance through design modifications: An approach based on root cause analysis
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
39 (2014): 17258-17266.
Dey, T.
A. Dey
P. C. Ghosh
M. Bose
A. K. Mukhopadhyay
, and
R. N. Basu
Influence of microstructure on nano-mechanical properties of single planar solid oxide fuel cell in pre- and post-reduced conditions
Materials and Design
53 (2014): 182-191.
Sesetti, A.
S. Battola
H. S. V. S. K. Nunna
, and
S. Doolla
Intelligent agent framework for demand response aggregation in smart microgrids
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 3549-3555., 2014.
Dalai, S.
S. Vijayalakshmi
P. Sharma
, and
K. Y. Choo
Magnesium and iron loaded hollow glass microspheres (HGMs) for hydrogen storage
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
39 (2014): 16451-16458.
Bhasin, P.
H. S. V. S. K. Kumar Nunna
S. Doolla
, and
S. V. Kulkarni
Multi-Agent based diagnosis framework for transformers in a smart distribution system
." In
2014 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2014
., 2014.
Battula, S.
A. Sesetti
H. S. V. S. Kumar Nunna
, and
S. Doolla
Multi-Agent framework for charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in microgrids with demand response
." In
2014 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2014
., 2014.
Suthar, B.
V. Ramadesigan
S. De
R. D. Braatz
, and
V. R. Subramanian
Optimal charging profiles for mechanically constrained lithium-ion batteries
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
16 (2014): 277-287.
Desai, N. B.
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Optimization of design radiation for concentrating solar thermal power plants without storage
Solar Energy
107 (2014): 98-112.
Devivaraprasad, R.
R. Ramesh
N. Naresh
T. Kar
R. K. Singh
, and
M. Neergat
Oxygen reduction reaction and peroxide generation on shape-controlled and polycrystalline platinum nanoparticles in acidic and alkaline electrolytes
30 (2014): 8995-9006.
Dalai, S.
S. Vijayalakshmi
P. Shrivastava
S. P. Sivam
, and
P. Sharma
Preparation and characterization of hollow glass microspheres (HGMs) for hydrogen storage using urea as a blowing agent
Microelectronic Engineering
126 (2014): 65-70.
Dalai, S.
S. Vijayalakshmi
S. P. Sivam
, and
S. Pratibha
Preparation and characterization of zinc loaded hollow glass microspheres (HGMS) from amber coloured glass frits
Advanced Materials Research
864-867 (2014): 668-671.
Kar, T.
R. Devivaraprasad
R. K. Singh
B. Bera
, and
M. Neergat
Reduction of graphene oxide-a comprehensive electrochemical investigation in alkaline and acidic electrolytes
RSC Advances
4 (2014): 57781-57790.
Nunna, K. H. S. V. S.
, and
S. Doolla
Responsive end-user-based demand side management in multimicrogrid environment
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
10 (2014): 1262-1272.
Maheshwari, P.
Y. Tambawala
H. S. V. S. K. Nunna Kumar
, and
S. Doolla
A review on plug-in electric vehicles charging: Standards and impact on distribution system
." In
2014 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2014
., 2014.
Desai, N. B.
S. Bandyopadhyay
J. K. Nayak
R. Banerjee
, and
S. B. Kedare
Simulation of 1MWe solar thermal power plant
." In
Energy Procedia
, 507-516. Vol. 57., 2014.
Dheer, D. K.
N. Soni
, and
S. Doolla
Small signal stability in microgrids with high penetration of power electronics interfaced sources
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 2272-2278., 2014.
Dey, T.
D. Singdeo
A. Pophale
M. Bose
, and
P. C. Ghosh
SOFC power generation system by bio-gasification
." In
Energy Procedia
, 748-755. Vol. 54., 2014.
Das, C.
, and
K. R. Balasubramaniam
Structural and morphological studies of cuprous oxide thin film developed via. potentiostatic electrodeposition
." In
2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2014
, 254-256., 2014.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
N. D. Chaturvedi
, and
A. Desai
Targeting compression work for hydrogen allocation networks
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
53 (2014): 18539-18548.
Singdeo, D.
T. Dey
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Three dimensional computational fluid dynamics modelling of high temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cell
Applied Mechanics and Materials
492 (2014): 365-369.
Dey, T.
A. Das Sharma
A. Dutta
, and
R. N. Basu
Transition metal-doped yttria stabilized zirconia for low temperature processing of planar anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
604 (2014): 151-156.
Dhara, A.
G. Hodes
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Two stage chemical bath deposition of MoO3 nanorod films
RSC Advances
4 (2014): 53694-53700.
Diamante, J. A. R.
R. R. Tan
D. C. Y. Foo
D. K. S. Ng
K. B. Aviso
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Unified pinch approach for targeting of carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems with multiple time periods and regions
Journal of Cleaner Production
71 (2014): 67-74.
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