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Bandyopadhyay, S.
D. C. Y. Foo
, and
R. R. Tan
Pursuing Sustainability with Process Integration and Optimization
Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability
1 (2017).
Pareek, D.
K. R. Balasubramaniam
, and
P. Sharma
Reaction pathway for synthesis of Cu2ZnSn(S/Se)4 via mechano-chemical route and annealing studies
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
28 (2017): 1199-1210.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
Renewable targets for India
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
19 (2017): 293-294.
Jain, S.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Resource Allocation Network for Segregated Targeting Problems with Dedicated Sources
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
56 (2017): 13831-13843.
Bhosale, A. C.
S. Meenakshi
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Root cause analysis of the degradation in a unitized regenerative fuel cell
Journal of Power Sources
343 (2017): 275-283.
Jain, S.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Segregated targeting for resource allocation networks with dedicated sources
." In
2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, AdCONIP 2017
, 43-48., 2017.
Roychaudhuri, P. S.
V. Kazantzi
D. C. Y. Foo
R. R. Tan
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Selection of energy conservation projects through Financial Pinch Analysis
138 (2017): 602-615.
Sharan, P.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Solar assisted multiple-effect evaporator
Journal of Cleaner Production
142 (2017): 2340-2351.
Shah, K.
N. Balsara
S. Banerjee
M. Chintapalli
A. P. Cocco
W. K. S. Chiu
I. Lahiri
S. Martha
A. Mistry
P. P. Mukherjee
et al.
State of the art and future research needs for multiscale analysis of li-ion cells
Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
14 (2017).
Debnath, R.
R. Bardhan
, and
R. Banerjee
Taming the killer in the kitchen: mitigating household air pollution from solid-fuel cookstoves through building design
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
19 (2017): 705-719.
Bajpai, V. K.
P. Pant
, and
C. S. Solanki
Thin uniform nickel seed layer formation and its impact on Ni-Cu contact adhesion for c-Si solar cell applications
Solar Energy
155 (2017): 62-74.
Faghaninia, A.
K. R. Bhatt
, and
C. S. Lo
Alloying ZnS in the hexagonal phase to create high-performing transparent conducting materials
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
18 (2016): 22628-22635.
Thengane, S. K.
S. Bandyopadhyay
S. Mitra
S. Bhattacharya
, and
A. Hoadley
An alternative process for nitric oxide and hydrogen production using metal oxides
Chemical Engineering Research and Design
112 (2016): 36-45.
Lluscà, M.
F. Urbain
V. Smirnov
A. Antony
J. Andreu
, and
J. Bertomeu
Aluminium induced texturing of glass substrates with improved light management for thin film solar cells
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
147 (2016): 276-280.
Bhaduri, S.
S. Warade
J. J. John
B. Kavaipatti
, and
A. Kottantharayil
Artificial dust deposition using water as carrier solvent for investigation of soiling losses in photovoltaic modules
." In
Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
, 2076-2079. Vol. 2016-November., 2016.
Ahmad, S.
A. Singh
A. Bohra
R. Basu
S. Bhattacharya
R. Bhatt
K. N. Meshram
M. Roy
S. K. Sarkar
Y. Hayakawa
et al.
Boosting thermoelectric performance of p-type SiGe alloys through in-situ metallic YSi2 nanoinclusions
Nano Energy
27 (2016): 282-297.
Nalajala, N.
A. Chakraborty
B. Bera
, and
M. Neergat
Chloride (Cl-) ion-mediated shape control of palladium nanoparticles
27 (2016).
Bandyopadhyay, S.
, and
N. B. Desai
Cost optimal energy sector planning: a Pinch Analysis approach
Journal of Cleaner Production
136 (2016): 246-253.
Sinha, A.
M. Bliss
X. Wu
S. Roy
R. Gottschalg
, and
R. Gupta
Cross-characterization for imaging parasitic resistive losses in thin-film photovoltaic modules
Journal of Imaging
2 (2016).
Kumar, A.
K. R. Balasubramaniam
J. Kangsabanik
, and
A. Alam
Crystal structure, stability, and optoelectronic properties of the organic-inorganic wide-band-gap perovskite CH3NH3BaI3: Candidate for transparent conductor applications
Physical Review B
94 (2016).
Ghosh, P. C.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy
12 (2016): 103-104.
Chaturvedi, N. D.
Z. A. Manan
S. R. Wan Alwi
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Effect of multiple water resources in a flexible-schedule batch water network
Journal of Cleaner Production
125 (2016): 245-252.
Magare, D. B.
O. S. Sastry
R. Gupta
T. R. Betts
R. Gottschalg
A. Kumar
B. Bora
, and
Y. K. Singh
Effect of seasonal spectral variations on performance of three different photovoltaic technologies in India
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering
7 (2016): 93-103.
Sharan, P.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Energy Integration of Multiple Effect Evaporators with Background Process and Appropriate Temperature Selection
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
55 (2016): 1630-1641.
Sharan, P.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Energy optimization in parallel/cross feed multiple-effect evaporator based desalination system
111 (2016): 756-767.
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