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Arva, D.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Stochastic pinch analysis for resource allocation networks with multiple resources
." In
23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2018 and 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2018
, 1346. Vol. 2., 2018.
Arya, D.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Stochastic pinch analysis for resource allocation networks with multiple resources
Chemical Engineering Transactions
70 (2018): 1441-1446.
Arya, D.
K. Shah
A. Gupta
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Stochastic pinch analysis to optimize resource allocation networks
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
57 (2018): 16423-16432.
Chadha, T. S.
P. K. Dutta
R. Raliya
S. Mitra
, and
P. Biswas
Sustainable one step process for making carbon-free TiO 2 anodes and sodium-ion battery electrochemistry
Sustainable Energy and Fuels
2 (2018): 1582-1587.
Foo, D. C.
G. C. Sahu
S. Kamat
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Synthesis of Heat-integrated Water Network with Interception Unit
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
44 (2018): 457-462.
Bonkile, M. P.
A. Awasthi
C. Lakshmi
V. Mukundan
, and
V. S. Aswin
A systematic literature review of Burgers’ equation with recent advances
Pramana - Journal of Physics
90 (2018).
Thengane, S. K.
A. Hoadley
S. Bhattacharya
S. Mitra
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Thermodynamic evaluation of chemical looping based nitric oxide and hydrogen production
Chemical Engineering Research and Design
132 (2018): 252-275.
Bohra, A. K.
R. Bhatt
A. Singh
S. Bhattacharya
R. Basu
K. N. Meshram
S. K. Sarkar
P. Bhatt
P. K. Patro
D. K. Aswal
et al.
Transition from n- to p-type conduction concomitant with enhancement of figure-of-merit in Pb doped bismuth telluride: Material to device development
Materials and Design
159 (2018): 127-137.
Magare, D.
O. Sastry
R. Gupta
B. Bora
Y. Singh
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H. Mohammed
Wind Effect Modeling and Analysis for Estimation of Photovoltaic Module Temperature
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME
140 (2018).
Thengane, S. K.
A. Hoadley
S. Bhattacharya
S. Mitra
, and
S. Bandyopadhyaye
Applications of FAHP in analysing energy systems
Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
., 2017.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
, and
S. Narasimhan
Applications: Pinch technology
CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering, Second Edition
., 2017.
Dhariwal, J.
, and
R. Banerjee
An approach for building design optimization using design of experiments
Building Simulation
10 (2017): 323-336.
Bhaduri, S.
S. Warade
J. J. John
B. Kavaipatti
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A. Kottantharayil
Artificial dust deposition using water as carrier solvent for investigation of soiling losses in photovoltaic modules
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2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2017
, 459-463., 2017.
Desai, N. B.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Bioenergy and food production: Appropriate allocation for future development
The Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Processes, Technologies, and Challenges
., 2017.
Bhanushali, S.
P. C. Ghosh
G. P. Simon
, and
W. Cheng
Copper Nanowire-Filled Soft Elastomer Composites for Applications as Thermal Interface Materials
Advanced Materials Interfaces
4 (2017).
Jacob, A. S.
J. Das
A. P. Abraham
R. Banerjee
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Cost and Energy Analysis of PV Battery Grid Backup System for a Residential Load in Urban India
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Energy Procedia
, 88-94. Vol. 118., 2017.
Shendage, D. J.
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. L. Bapat
Cyclic analysis and optimization of design parameters for Beta-configuration Stirling engine using rhombic drive
Applied Thermal Engineering
124 (2017): 595-615.
Singh, A.
S. Doolla
, and
R. Banerjee
Demand Side Management
Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies
., 2017.
Bera, B.
A. Chakraborty
T. Kar
P. Leuaa
, and
M. Neergat
Density of States, Carrier Concentration, and Flat Band Potential Derived from Electrochemical Impedance Measurements of N-Doped Carbon and Their Influence on Electrocatalysis of Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
121 (2017): 20850-20856.
Jhalani, S.
A. Patankar
A. Makawana
, and
M. Bose
Dune formation in dilute phase pneumatic transport system: PIV & PTV based analysis
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EPJ Web of Conferences
. Vol. 140., 2017.
Patankar, A.
A. Makawana
, and
M. Bose
Dune formation in horizontal pneumatic conveying system
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
(2017): 1609-1616.
Shendage, D. J.
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. L. Bapat
Dynamic balancing and experience during the development of a single cylinder Beta-configuration Stirling engine using rhombic drive
140 (2017): 224-239.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
C. A. Babu
, and
J. Varghese
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy
13 (2017): 1-3.
Dheer, D. K.
S. Doolla
S. Bandyopadhyay
, and
J. M. Guerrero
Effect of placement of droop based generators in distribution network on small signal stability margin and network loss
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
88 (2017): 108-118.
Chakraborty, A.
R. Devivaraprasad
B. Bera
, and
M. Neergat
Electrochemical estimation of the active site density on metal-free nitrogen-doped carbon using catechol as an adsorbate
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
19 (2017): 25414-25422.
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