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Journal Article
Sarkar, A.
S. Sarkar
, and
S. Mitra
Exceptionally high sodium-ion battery cathode capacity based on doped ammonium vanadium oxide and a full cell SIB prototype study
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
5 (2017): 24929-24941.
Ansari, K. A.
Md. Azhar
, and
M. A. Siddiqui
Exergy analysis of single-effect vapor absorption system using design parameters
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME
143 (2021).
Thengane, S. K.
A. Hoadley
S. Bhattacharya
S. Mitra
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Exergy efficiency improvement in hydrogen production process by recovery of chemical energy versus thermal energy
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
18 (2016): 1391-1404.
Sahu, T. S.
Q. Li
J. Wu
V. P. Dravid
, and
S. Mitra
Exfoliated MoS2 nanosheets confined in 3-D hierarchical carbon nanotube@graphene architecture with superior sodium-ion storage
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
5 (2017): 355-363.
Afzal, M.
N. Gupta
A. Mallik
K. S. Vishnulal
, and
P. Sharma
Experimental analysis of a metal hydride hydrogen storage system with hexagonal honeycomb-based heat transfer enhancements-part B
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
46 (2021): 13131-13141.
Sen, U. K.
P. Johari
S. Basu
C. Nayak
, and
S. Mitra
An experimental and computational study to understand the lithium storage mechanism in molybdenum disulfide
6 (2014): 10243-10254.
Kumar, A.
, and
S. K. Saha
Experimental and numerical study of latent heat thermal energy storage with high porosity metal matrix under intermittent heat loads
Applied Energy
263 (2020).
Sharma, S.
S. K. Saha
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. Singh
Experimental and numerical study of thermal performance of helical coil receiver with Fresnel lens
Applied Thermal Engineering
165 (2020).
Saxena, A.
V. Kishor
S. Singh
, and
A. Srivastava
Experimental and numerical study on the onset of natural convection in a cavity open at the top
Physics of Fluids
30 (2018).
Sangani, C. S.
, and
C. S. Solanki
Experimental evaluation of V-trough (2 suns) PV concentrator system using commercial PV modules
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
91 (2007): 453-459.
Sahoo, S. S.
S. M. Varghese
C. Suresh Kumar
S. P. Viswanathan
S. Singh
, and
R. Banerjee
Experimental investigation and computational validation of heat losses from the cavity receiver used in linear Fresnel reflector solar thermal system
Renewable Energy
55 (2013): 18-23.
Goud, M.
M. V. V. Reddy
V. P. Chandramohan
A. Lingayat
V. R. K. Raju
, and
S. Suresh
Experimental investigation of drying kinetics of green chilli and okra using indirect solar dryer with evaluation of dryer performance
International Journal of Ambient Energy
Tiwari, S.
, and
R. P. Saini
Experimental investigation of packed-bed solar thermal storage
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy
173 (2020): 157-166.
Khanna, S.
V. Sharma
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. Singh
Experimental investigation of the bending of absorber tube of solar parabolic trough concentrator and comparison with analytical results
Solar Energy
125 (2016): 1-11.
Shah, P. R.
, and
A. Ganesh
Experimental Investigation to Study the Influence of Fuel Additive with Pre-Heated Straight Vegetable Oil (SVO) by Comparing the Injection, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Based on IR Diagram
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
8 (2015): 234-249.
Ghosh, P.
M. A. Kamoji
A. W. Date
, and
S. V. Prabhu
Experimental investigations on sail type wind-turbines
Wind Engineering
33 (2009): 349-360.
Kamoji, M. A.
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. V. Prabhu
Experimental investigations on single stage modified Savonius rotor
Applied Energy
86 (2009): 1064-1073.
Kamoji, M. A.
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. V. Prabhu
Experimental investigations on single stage, two stage and three stage conventional Savonius rotor
International Journal of Energy Research
32 (2008): 877-895.
Kamoji, M. A.
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. V. Prabhu
Experimental investigations on the effect of overlap ratio and blade edge conditions on the performance of conventional Savonius rotor
Wind Engineering
32 (2008): 163-178.
Kamoji, M.
S. Kedare
, and
S. V. Prabhu
Experimental investigations on two and three stage modified savonius rotor
Wind Engineering
35 (2011): 483-510.
Bhaskaran, S.
G. Samdani
P. Aghalayam
A. Ganesh
R. P. Singh
R. K. Sapru
P. K. Jain
, and
S. Mahajani
Experimental studies on spalling characteristics of Indian lignite coal in context of underground coal gasification
154 (2015): 326-337.
Raul, A. K.
P. Bhavsar
, and
S. K. Saha
Experimental study on discharging performance of vertical multitube shell and tube latent heat thermal energy storage
Journal of Energy Storage
20 (2018): 279-288.
Barahate, S. D.
M. Prakash
, and
S. B. Kedare
Experimental thermal analysis of a solar cavity receiver
International Energy Journal
10 (2009): 177-186.
Mandapati, R. N.
S. Daggupati
S. M. Mahajani
P. Aghalayam
R. K. Sapru
R. K. Sharma
, and
A. Ganesh
Experiments and kinetic modeling for CO2 gasification of indian coal chars in the context of underground coal gasification
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
51 (2012): 15041-15052.
Narayan, S.
T. Singh
S. Singh
, and
A. Srivastava
Experiments on the effects of varying subcooled conditions on the dynamics of single vapor bubble and heat transfer rates in nucleate pool boiling regime
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
134 (2019): 85-100.
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