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Khanna, S.
S. Singh
, and
S. B. Kedare
Explicit expressions for temperature distribution and deflection in absorber tube of solar parabolic trough concentrator
Solar Energy
114 (2015): 289-302.
Paul, S.
, and
S. Singh
Linear stability analysis of flow instabilities with a nodalized reduced order model in heated channel
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
98 (2015): 312-331.
Singh, S.
P. K. Jain
, and
Analytical solution for three-dimensional, unsteady heat conduction in a multilayer sphere
Journal of Heat Transfer
138 (2016).
Pandey, V.
, and
S. Singh
A bifurcation analysis of boiling water reactor on large domain of parametric spaces
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
38 (2016): 30-44.
Patidar, S.
S. Kumar
A. Srivastava
, and
S. Singh
Dual phase lag model-based thermal analysis of tissue phantoms using lattice Boltzmann method
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
103 (2016): 41-56.
Singh, O.
S. Singh
, and
S. B. Kedare
Effect of thermal radiation on accuracy of restricted domain approach in a square open cavity
." In
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
. Vol. 8., 2016.
Khanna, S.
V. Sharma
S. B. Kedare
, and
S. Singh
Experimental investigation of the bending of absorber tube of solar parabolic trough concentrator and comparison with analytical results
Solar Energy
125 (2016): 1-11.
Khanna, S.
V. Sharma
S. Singh
, and
S. B. Kedare
Explicit expression for temperature distribution of receiver of parabolic trough concentrator considering bimetallic absorber tube
Applied Thermal Engineering
103 (2016): 323-332.
Gairola, A.
H. Bindra
G. Agarwal
, and
S. Singh
Lattice Boltzmann method for solving time-dependent radiation transport and reactor criticality problems
." In
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE
. Vol. 1., 2016.
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Non linear stability analysis of parallel channels with natural circulation
Nuclear Engineering and Design
309 (2016): 136-150.
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Non-linear stability analysis of uniformly heated parallel channels for different inclinations
Applied Thermal Engineering
98 (2016): 1189-1200.
Saxena, A.
N. Jhamaria
S. Singh
, and
S. S. Sahoo
Numerical analysis of convective and radiative heat losses from trapezoidal cavity receiver in LFR systems
Solar Energy
137 (2016): 308-316.
Kumar, N.
, and
S. Singh
Numerical solution of burgers-huxley equation using improved nodal integral method
." In
9th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD 2016 - Proceedings
., 2016.
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Subcritical and supercritical bifurcations for two-phase flow in a uniformly heated channel with different inclinations
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
93 (2016): 235-249.
Sahoo, S. S.
S. Singh
, and
R. Banerjee
Thermal hydraulic simulation of absorber tubes in linear Fresnel reflector solar thermal system using RELAP
Renewable Energy
86 (2016): 507-516.
Pandey, V.
, and
S. Singh
The analysis of global stability boundary and multistability in the nonlinear dynamical system of an advanced heavy water reactor
Nuclear Science and Engineering
188 (2017): 187-197.
Paul, S.
, and
S. Singh
Analysis of local bifurcations in a channel subjected to non-uniform axial heating
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
108 (2017): 2143-2157.
Pandey, V.
, and
S. Singh
Bifurcation analysis of density wave oscillations in natural circulation loop
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
120 (2017): 446-458.
Pandey, V.
, and
S. Singh
Bifurcation analysis of the simplified models of boiling water reactor and identification of global stability boundary
Nuclear Engineering and Design
315 (2017): 93-103.
Pandey, V.
, and
S. Singh
Characterization of stability limits of Ledinegg instability and density wave oscillations for two-phase flow in natural circulation loops
Chemical Engineering Science
168 (2017): 204-224.
Sreeram, T. S.
D. K. Dheer
S. Doolla
, and
S. Singh
Hopf bifurcation analysis in droop controlled islanded microgrids
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
90 (2017): 208-224.
Singh, S.
A. K. Raj
R. Sen
P. Johari
, and
S. Mitra
Impact of Cl Doping on Electrochemical Performance in Orthosilicate (Li2FeSiO4): A Density Functional Theory Supported Experimental Approach
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
9 (2017): 26885-26896.
Patidar, S.
S. Kumar
A. Srivastava
, and
S. Singh
Lattice Boltzmann method-based solution of radiative transfer equation for investigating light propagation through laser-irradiated tissue phantoms
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
84 (2017): 144-149.
Paul, S.
, and
S. Singh
On nonlinear dynamics of density wave oscillations in a channel with non-uniform axial heating
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
116 (2017): 172-198.
Mishra, A. M.
S. Paul
V. Pandey
, and
S. Singh
Two phase flow stability analysis of multiple horizontal uniformaly heated channel
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
(2017): 723-736.
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