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Kumar, S.
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Conference Paper
Nehe, P.
S. Kumar
, and
V. M. Reddy
Characteristics of hydrogen produced by methanol reformation in compact whirling orbital plate fluidized bed reactor
." In
11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017
. Vol. 2017-December., 2017.
Mohammed, H.
R. Gupta
O. Sastry
B. Bora
D. Magare
Y. Singh
, and
S. Kumar
Estimation of most frequent operating conditions of different technology silicon photovoltaic module in India using IEC 61853-1 approach
." In
AIP Conference Proceedings
. Vol. 2147., 2019.
Kumar, S.
, and
R. Gupta
Influence of cell packaging and design parameters on thermo-mechanical reliability of fingers in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules
." In
AIP Conference Proceedings
. Vol. 2147., 2019.
Sinha, A.
S. Roy
S. Kumar
, and
R. Gupta
Investigation of degradation in photovoltaic modules by infrared and electroluminescence imaging
." In
Springer Proceedings in Physics
, 3-9. Vol. 194., 2017.
Journal Article
Golive, Y. R.
A. Kottantharayil
J. Vasi
N. Shiradkar
S. Zachariah
R. Dubey
S. Chattopadhyay
S. Bhaduri
H. K. Singh
B. Bora
et al.
Analysis of Field Degradation Rates Observed in All-India Survey of Photovoltaic Module Reliability 2018
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
10 (2020): 560-567.
Meena, R.
S. Kumar
, and
R. Gupta
Comparative investigation and analysis of delaminated and discolored encapsulant degradation in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules
Solar Energy
203 (2020): 114-122.
Kumar, S.
, and
R. Gupta
Decoupled effects of thermal cycle parameters on thermo-mechanical damage accumulation at fingers in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules
Microelectronic Engineering
217 (2019).
Kolekar, A.
S. Laddha
S. Singh
A. Ganesh
, and
S. Kumar
Development and validation of power performance prediction chart for conversion of diesel engine to dual fuel engine
SAE Technical Papers
1 (2014).
Patidar, S.
S. Kumar
A. Srivastava
, and
S. Singh
Dual phase lag model-based thermal analysis of tissue phantoms using lattice Boltzmann method
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
103 (2016): 41-56.
Kumar, S.
R. Meena
, and
R. Gupta
Imaging and micro-structural characterization of moisture induced degradation in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules
Solar Energy
194 (2019): 903-912.
Roy, S.
S. Kumar
, and
R. Gupta
Investigation and analysis of finger breakages in commercial crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules under standard thermal cycling test
Engineering Failure Analysis
101 (2019): 309-319.
Kumar, S.
, and
R. Gupta
Investigation and analysis of thermo-mechanical degradation of fingers in a photovoltaic module under thermal cyclic stress conditions
Solar Energy
174 (2018): 1044-1052.
Patidar, S.
S. Kumar
A. Srivastava
, and
S. Singh
Lattice Boltzmann method-based solution of radiative transfer equation for investigating light propagation through laser-irradiated tissue phantoms
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
84 (2017): 144-149.
Kalu-Uka, G. M.
S. Kumar
A. C. Kalu-Uka
S. Vikram
O. O. Okorafor
M. Kigozi
G. O. Ihekweme
, and
A. P. Onwualu
Prospects for biodiesel production from Macrotermes nigeriensis: Process optimization and characterization of biodiesel properties
Biomass and Bioenergy
146 (2021).
Vikram, S.
P. Rosha
, and
S. Kumar
Recent modeling approaches to biomass pyrolysis: A review
Energy and Fuels
35 (2021): 7406-7433.