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Khaparde,S. A.
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Journal Article
Majumder, S.
A. P. Agalgaonkar
S. A. Khaparde
P. Ciufo
S. Perera
, and
S. V. Kulkarni
Allocation of Common-Pool Resources in an Unmonitored Open System
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
34 (2019): 3912-3920.
Majumder, S.
A. P. Agalgaonkar
S. A. Khaparde
S. Perera
S. V. Kulkarni
, and
P. P. Ciufo
Allowable Delay Heuristic in Provision of Primary Frequency Reserve in Future Power Systems
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
35 (2020): 1231-1241.
Chandramohan, L. S.
G. Ravikumar
S. Doolla
, and
S. A. Khaparde
Business process model for deriving CIM profile: A case study for indian utility
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
30 (2015): 132-141.
Majumder, S.
S. A. Khaparde
A. P. Agalgaonkar
P. Ciufo
S. Perera
, and
S. V. Kulkarni
DFT-Based Sizing of Battery Storage Devices to Determine Day-Ahead Minimum Variability Injection Dispatch with Renewable Energy Resources
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
10 (2019): 626-638.
Agalgaonkar, A. P.
S. V. Kulkarni
, and
S. A. Khaparde
Evaluation of configuration plans for DGs in developing countries using advanced planning techniques
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
21 (2006): 973-981.
Chandramohan, L. S.
S. Doolla
, and
S. A. Khaparde
Implementing PAT with Standards
International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems
17 (2016): 49-58.
Majumder, S.
, and
S. A. Khaparde
Revenue and ancillary benefit maximisation of multiple non-collocated wind power producers considering uncertainties
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
10 (2016): 789-797.
Majumder, S.
R. M. Shereef
, and
S. A. Khaparde
Two-stage algorithm for efficient transmission expansion planning with renewable energy resources
IET Renewable Power Generation
11 (2017): 320-329.
Conference Paper
Raj, T. V.
R. M. Shereef
, and
S. A. Khaparde
Comparison of SVCs and D-STATCOMs to control voltage violations of fixed speed induction generators
." In
2012 IEEE 5th Power India Conference, PICONF 2012
., 2012.
Majumder, S.
S. A. Khaparde
V. Pradhan
S. V. Kulkarni
A. P. Agalgaonkar
S. Perera
, and
P. Ciufo
A critical review on the methods for calculating the risk of process failure because of voltage sags
." In
2016 IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2016
., 2016.
Majumder, S.
S. A. Khaparde
A. P. Agalgaonkar
S. Perera
S. V. Kulkarni
, and
P. Ciufo
Hybrid storage system sizing for minimum daily variability injection
." In
Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Region 10 Symposium, TENSYMP 2019
, 33-38., 2019.
Kachhia, J.
R. M. Shereef
, and
S. A. Khaparde
Operation and tariff for composite PV-battery system
." In
2013 Annual IEEE India Conference, INDICON 2013
., 2013.
Vigil, N. V.
S. Majumder
V. Pradhan
V. Padmini
, and
S. A. Khaparde
Transmission expansion planning with variable wind source
." In
2014 18th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2014
., 2015.