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Fernandes,B. G.
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Journal Article
Mangu, B.
S. Akshatha
D. Suryanarayana
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Grid-Connected PV-Wind-Battery-Based Multi-Input Transformer-Coupled Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Household Applications
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
4 (2016): 1086-1095.
Kulkarni, O. V.
S. Doolla
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Mode Transition Control Strategy for Multiple Inverter-Based Distributed Generators Operating in Grid-Connected and Standalone Mode
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
53 (2017): 5927-5939.
Kulkarni, O. V.
S. Doolla
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Simple Controller Configuration for Decentralized Parallel Operation of Inverters
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
34 (2019): 1356-1369.
Conference Paper
Prasad, J. S. S.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Active commutated thyristor CSI for grid connected photovoltaic applications
." In
Conference Proceedings - IPEMC 2004: 4th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
, 1767-1771. Vol. 3., 2004.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Analysis of voltage and frequency controller for grid connected 3-Φ self-excited induction generator using current controlled voltage source inverter
." In
IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON
, C468-C471. Vol. C., 2004.
Kulkarni, O. V.
S. Doolla
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Compensator-less structures for droop control of single phase inverters in a flexible microgrid
." In
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC
, 2245-2251. Vol. 2016-May., 2016.
Kulkarni, O. V.
S. Doolla
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Inverter based distributed generators operating in grid-connected and stand-alone mode
." In
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC
, 3376-3382. Vol. 2016-May., 2016.
Verma, P.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Modified sector scheme to overcome flux drooping of direct torque controlled IPMSM
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 862-866., 2006.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Novel maximum power point tracker for stand-alone self-excited induction generator
." In
Proceedings of India International Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE 2006
, 110-115., 2006.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Novel voltage controller for stand-alone induction generator using PWM-VSI
." In
Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society)
, 204-208. Vol. 1., 2006.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Voltage controller for stand-alone induction generator using instantaneous power control
." In
2004 1st International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications Proceedings
, 102-106., 2004.