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Ghosh,P. C.
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Journal Article
Ghosh, P. C.
, and
U. Vasudeva
Analysis of 3000T class submarines equipped with polymer electrolyte fuel cells
36 (2011): 3138-3147.
Maskarenj, M. S.
M. Avasare
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Analysis of plastic optical fiber based daylight system suitable for building applications
Applied Mechanics and Materials
492 (2014): 101-105.
Goenka, R.
S. Mukherji
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Characterization of electrochemical behaviour of Escherichia coli MTCC 1610 in a microbial fuel cell
Bioresource Technology Reports
3 (2018): 67-74.
Karajagi, I.
K. Ramya
P. C. Ghosh
A. Sarkar
, and
N. Rajalakshmi
Co-doped carbon materials synthesized with polymeric precursors as bifunctional electrocatalysts
RSC Advances
10 (2020): 35966-35978.
Malik, S. N.
P. C. Ghosh
A. N. Vaidya
V. Waindeskar
S. Das
, and
S. N. Mudliar
Comparison of coagulation, ozone and ferrate treatment processes for color, COD and toxicity removal from complex textile wastewater
Water Science and Technology
76 (2017): 1001-1010.
Singdeo, D.
T. Dey
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Contact resistance between bipolar plate and gas diffusion layer in high temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
39 (2014): 987-995.
Bhanushali, S.
P. C. Ghosh
G. P. Simon
, and
W. Cheng
Copper Nanowire-Filled Soft Elastomer Composites for Applications as Thermal Interface Materials
Advanced Materials Interfaces
4 (2017).
Maskarenj, M.
R. Banerjee
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Design and development of a low-cost angular sky luminance measurement system
Building and Environment
142 (2018): 22-33.
Ghosh, P. C.
S. Bandyopadhyay
G. S. Krishna Priya
, and
P. Sharan
Design space approach for storage sizing of hydrogen fuel cell systems through pinch analysis
Chemical Engineering Transactions
45 (2015): 1105-1110.
Dey, T.
P. C. Ghosh
D. Singdeo
M. Bose
, and
R. N. Basu
Diagnosis of scale up issues associated with planar solid oxide fuel cells
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
36 (2011): 9967-9976.
Nayak, R.
M. Sundarraman
P. C. Ghosh
, and
A. R. Bhattacharyya
Doped poly (2, 5-benzimidazole) membranes for high temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cell: Influence of various solvents during membrane casting on the fuel cell performance
European Polymer Journal
100 (2018): 111-120.
Ghosh, P. C.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy
12 (2016): 103-104.
Sonawane, J. M.
P. C. Ghosh
, and
S. B. Adeloju
Electrokinetic behaviour of conducting polymer modified stainless steel anodes during the enrichment phase in microbial fuel cells
Electrochimica Acta
287 (2018): 96-105.
Maskarenj, M.
G. Chawla
R. Banerjee
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Evaluation of dynamic sky-type using novel angular sky luminance measurement system
Building and Environment
146 (2018): 152-165.
Sonawane, J. M.
S. Al-Saadi
R. K. Singh Raman
P. C. Ghosh
, and
S. B. Adeloju
Exploring the use of polyaniline-modified stainless steel plates as low-cost, high-performance anodes for microbial fuel cells
Electrochimica Acta
268 (2018): 484-493.
Sonawane, J. M.
D. Pant
P. C. Ghosh
, and
S. B. Adeloju
Fabrication of a Carbon Paper/Polyaniline-Copper Hybrid and Its Utilization as an Air Cathode for Microbial Fuel Cells
ACS Applied Energy Materials
2 (2019): 1891-1902.
Singh, R.
M. K. Singh
S. Bhartiya
A. Singh
D. K. Kohli
P. C. Ghosh
S. Meenakshi
, and
P. K. Gupta
Facile synthesis of highly conducting and mesoporous carbon aerogel as platinum support for PEM fuel cells
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
42 (2017): 11110-11117.
Ghosh, P. C.
High platinum cost: obstacle or blessing for commercialization of low-temperature fuel cell technologies
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
19 (2017): 595-601.
Dey, T.
D. Singdeo
R. N. Basu
M. Bose
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Improvement in solid oxide fuel cell performance through design modifications: An approach based on root cause analysis
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
39 (2014): 17258-17266.
Dey, T.
A. Dey
P. C. Ghosh
M. Bose
A. K. Mukhopadhyay
, and
R. N. Basu
Influence of microstructure on nano-mechanical properties of single planar solid oxide fuel cell in pre- and post-reduced conditions
Materials and Design
53 (2014): 182-191.
K., I.
R. K.
P. C. Ghosh
A. Sarkar
, and
R. N.
Ion Immobilized Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reaction
ACS Applied Energy Materials
2 (2019): 7811-7822.
Sonawane, J. M.
S. B. Adeloju
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Landfill leachate: A promising substrate for microbial fuel cells
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
42 (2017): 23794-23798.
Das, J.
A. P. Abraham
P. C. Ghosh
, and
R. Banerjee
Life cycle energy and carbon footprint analysis of photovoltaic battery microgrid system in India
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
20 (2018): 65-80.
Sonawane, J. M.
S. A. Patil
P. C. Ghosh
, and
S. B. Adeloju
Low-cost stainless-steel wool anodes modified with polyaniline and polypyrrole for high-performance microbial fuel cells
Journal of Power Sources
379 (2018): 103-114.
Sonawane, J. M.
C. I. Ezugwu
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Microbial Fuel Cell-Based Biological Oxygen Demand Sensors for Monitoring Wastewater: State-of-the-Art and Practical Applications
ACS Sensors
5 (2020): 2297-2316.
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