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Tyagi, S.
A. Ganesh
, and
P. Aghalayam
Direct methane proton exchange membrane fuel cell
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ECS Transactions
, 371-378. Vol. 6., 2008.
Tejwani, R.
, and
C. S. Solanki
360° sun tracking with automated cleaning system for solar PV modules
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Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
, 2895-2898., 2010.
Guo, Z. Y.
X. B. Liu
W. Q. Tao
, and
R. K. Shah
Effectiveness-thermal resistance method for heat exchanger design and analysis
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
53 (2010): 2877-2884.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
G. C. Sahu
D. C. Y. Foo
, and
R. R. Tan
Segregated targeting for multiple resource networks using decomposition algorithm
AIChE Journal
56 (2010): 1235-1248.
Tripathi, A. M.
M. S. Chandrasekar
, and
S. Mitra
Green energy storage materials: Advanced nanostructured materials for lithium-ion batteries
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Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
. Vol. 8035., 2011.
Tan, R. R.
K. B. Aviso
S. Bandyopadhyay
, and
D. K. S. Ng
Continuous-time optimization model for source-sink matching in carbon capture and storage systems
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
51 (2012): 10015-10020.
Tan, R. R.
R. Ooi
D. C. Y. Foo
D. K. S. Ng
K. B. Aviso
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
A Graphical Approach to Optimal Source-Sink Matching in Carbon Capture and Storage Systems with Reservoir Capacity and Injection Rate Constraints
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
31 (2012): 480-484.
Mishra, S. K.
S. S. V. Tatiparti
S. M. Tiwari
R. S. Raghavan
J. E. Carsley
, and
J. Li
Annealing response of AA5182 deformed in plane strain and equibiaxial strain paths
Philosophical Magazine
93 (2013): 2613-2629.
Mondal, S.
P. Thakur
, and
C. S. Solanki
Diffused bulk channels instead of laser drilled via-holes in emitter wrap-through solar cell structure: A simulation study
Solar Energy
96 (2013): 119-127.
Diamante, J. A. R.
R. R. Tan
D. C. Y. Foo
D. K. S. Ng
K. B. Aviso
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
A graphical approach for pinch-based source-sink matching and sensitivity analysis in carbon capture and storage systems
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
52 (2013): 7211-7222.
Tan, R. R.
K. B. Aviso
S. Bandyopadhyay
, and
D. K. S. Ng
Optimal source-sink matching in carbon capture and storage systems with time, injection rate, and capacity constraints
Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy
32 (2013): 411-416.
Krishna Priya, G. S.
M. S. Thakare
P. C. Ghosh
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Sizing of standalone photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems using design space approach
Solar Energy
97 (2013): 48-57.
Shrivastava, P.
A. K. Singh
R. Teotia
S. Dalai
P. Sharma
S. Vijayalakshmi
, and
J. R. Bellare
Bioglass based nano-materials for bone tissue engineering
Advanced Science Letters
20 (2014): 1129-1134.
Thengane, S. K.
A. Hoadley
S. Bhattacharya
S. Mitra
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Cost-benefit analysis of different hydrogen production technologies using AHP and Fuzzy AHP
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
39 (2014): 15293-15306.
Tripathi, A. M.
, and
S. Mitra
Ecofriendly Approach to Making Graphene-Tin/Tin Oxide Nanocomposite Electrodes for Energy Storage
1 (2014): 1327-1337.
Chadha, T. S.
A. M. Tripathi
S. Mitra
, and
P. Biswas
One-Dimensional, Additive-Free, Single-Crystal TiO2 Nanostructured Anodes Synthesized by a Single-Step Aerosol Process for High-Rate Lithium-Ion Batteries
Energy Technology
2 (2014): 906-911.
Krishna Priya, G. S.
S. Bandyopadhyay
, and
R. R. Tan
Power system planning with emission constraints: Effects of CCS retrofitting
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
92 (2014): 447-455.
Abhijith, V. S.
C. V. Anoop
S. Venugopal
T. Thomas
K. Vineeth
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K. Reshma
Powering imagination: An initiative for technology enhanced learning in rural schools
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Proceedings - IEEE 6th International Conference on Technology for Education, T4E 2014
, 206-207., 2014.
Tejwani, R.
G. Kumar
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C. Solanki
Remote monitoring for solar photovoltaic systems in rural application using GSM voice channel
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Energy Procedia
, 1526-1535. Vol. 57., 2014.
Maheshwari, P.
Y. Tambawala
H. S. V. S. K. Nunna Kumar
, and
S. Doolla
A review on plug-in electric vehicles charging: Standards and impact on distribution system
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2014 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2014
., 2014.
Sahu, G. C.
S. Bandyopadhyay
D. C. Y. Foo
D. K. S. Ng
, and
R. R. Tan
Targeting for optimal grid-wide deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
92 (2014): 835-848.
Diamante, J. A. R.
R. R. Tan
D. C. Y. Foo
D. K. S. Ng
K. B. Aviso
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Unified pinch approach for targeting of carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems with multiple time periods and regions
Journal of Cleaner Production
71 (2014): 67-74.
Mathur, A. K.
S. Singh
S. A. Khan
V. Jagannathan
, and
L. Thilagam
Analysis of LEU pincell and assembly benchmark using VISWAM code
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Transactions of the American Nuclear Society
, 1128-1131. Vol. 113., 2015.
Shriniwasan, S.
H. Goswami
H. - Y. Tien
M. Tanniru
F. Ebrahimi
, and
S. S. V. Tatiparti
Contributions of multiple phenomena towards hydrogenation: A case of Mg
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
40 (2015): 13518-13529.
Theivaprakasam, S.
D. R. MacFarlane
, and
S. Mitra
Electrochemical studies of N-Methyl N-Propyl Pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide ionic liquid mixtures with conventional electrolytes in LiFePO4/Li cells
Electrochimica Acta
180 (2015): 737-745.
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