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Journal Article
Ravishankar, S.
A. Riquelme
S. K. Sarkar
M. Garcia-Batlle
G. Garcia-Belmonte
, and
J. Bisquert
Intensity-Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy and Its Application to Perovskite Solar Cells
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
123 (2019): 24995-25014.
Roy, S.
S. Kumar
, and
R. Gupta
Investigation and analysis of finger breakages in commercial crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules under standard thermal cycling test
Engineering Failure Analysis
101 (2019): 309-319.
Kumar, S.
, and
R. Gupta
Investigation and analysis of thermo-mechanical degradation of fingers in a photovoltaic module under thermal cyclic stress conditions
Solar Energy
174 (2018): 1044-1052.
Kale, P.
A. C. Gangal
R. Edla
, and
P. Sharma
Investigation of hydrogen storage behavior of silicon nanoparticles
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
37 (2012): 3741-3747.
Kumar, A.
P. Deval
E. S. Shrinet
, and
S. K. Ghosh
Investigation on tribological properties of used engine oil with graphene
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology
235 (2021): 1420-1429.
K., I.
R. K.
P. C. Ghosh
A. Sarkar
, and
R. N.
Ion Immobilized Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reaction
ACS Applied Energy Materials
2 (2019): 7811-7822.
Sharma, P.
M. Vashistha
V. Ganesan
, and
I. P. Jain
Ion irradiation-induced modifications in the surface morphology of Ge20Se74Bi6 thin films
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
462 (2008): 452-455.
Das, S.
S. Ghosh
M. Nadeem
S. Seethamraju
, and
S. Mahajani
Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Binary Mixtures of 2-Phenylethanol with 1-Phenylethanol, 2-Phenylpropan-2-ol, Ethylbenzene, and Isopropylbenzene at 101.3 kPa
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data
66 (2021): 1754-1762.
Gangal, A. C.
, and
P. Sharma
Kinetic analysis and modeling of thermal decomposition of ammonia borane
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics
45 (2013): 452-461.
Edla, R.
A. C. Gangal
J. Manna
M. Vashistha
, and
P. Sharma
Kinetics and the thermal decomposition of Sodium Alanate in the presence of MmNi4.5Al0.5 nanoparticles
Materials Research Express
1 (2014).
Samdani, G.
A. Ganesh
P. Aghalayam
R. K. Sapru
B. L. Lohar
, and
S. Mahajani
Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions with coal in context of underground coal gasification
199 (2017): 102-114.
Daggupati, S.
R. N. Mandapati
S. M. Mahajani
A. Ganesh
R. K. Sapru
R. K. Sharma
, and
P. Aghalayam
Laboratory studies on cavity growth and product gas composition in the context of underground coal gasification
36 (2011): 1776-1784.
Daggupati, S.
R. N. Mandapati
S. M. Mahajani
A. Ganesh
D. K. Mathur
R. K. Sharma
, and
P. Aghalayam
Laboratory studies on combustion cavity growth in lignite coal blocks in the context of underground coal gasification
35 (2010): 2374-2386.
Sonawane, J. M.
S. B. Adeloju
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Landfill leachate: A promising substrate for microbial fuel cells
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
42 (2017): 23794-23798.
Ghosh, A.
A. Kumar
T. Das
A. Ghosh
S. Chakraborty
M. Kar
D. R. MacFarlane
, and
S. Mitra
Lewis Acid–Base Interactions between Polysulfides and Boehmite Enables Stable Room-Temperature Sodium–Sulfur Batteries
Advanced Functional Materials
30 (2020).
Das, J.
A. P. Abraham
P. C. Ghosh
, and
R. Banerjee
Life cycle energy and carbon footprint analysis of photovoltaic battery microgrid system in India
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
20 (2018): 65-80.
Mallapragada, D. S.
I. Naik
K. Ganesan
R. Banerjee
, and
I. J. Laurenzi
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Coal and Imported Gas-Based Power Generation in the Indian Context
Environmental Science and Technology
53 (2019): 539-549.
Sonawane, J. M.
S. A. Patil
P. C. Ghosh
, and
S. B. Adeloju
Low-cost stainless-steel wool anodes modified with polyaniline and polypyrrole for high-performance microbial fuel cells
Journal of Power Sources
379 (2018): 103-114.
Muthuraj, D.
M. Pandey
M. Krishna
A. Ghosh
R. Sen
P. Johari
, and
S. Mitra
Magnesium polysulfide catholyte (MgSx): Synthesis, electrochemical and computational study for magnesium-sulfur battery application
Journal of Power Sources
486 (2021).
Mohammed, H.
M. Kumar
, and
R. Gupta
Mapping of most frequent operating condition of photovoltaic module across India
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
47 (2021).
Sharma, I.
A. Hoadley
S. M. Mahajani
, and
A. Ganesh
Methodology for "surrogate-assisted" Multi-Objective Optimisation (MOO) for computationally expensive process flowsheet analysis
Chemical Engineering Transactions
45 (2015): 349-354.
George, M.
, and
R. Banerjee
A methodology for analysis of impacts of grid integration of renewable energy
Energy Policy
39 (2011): 1265-1276.
Sardeshpande, V.
U. N. Gaitonde
, and
R. Banerjee
Methodology for indirect determination of air and flue-gas leakage in a typical glass furnace in India
Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A
54 (2013): 233-241.
Sonawane, J. M.
C. I. Ezugwu
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Microbial Fuel Cell-Based Biological Oxygen Demand Sensors for Monitoring Wastewater: State-of-the-Art and Practical Applications
ACS Sensors
5 (2020): 2297-2316.
Kumar, S. S.
V. Kumar
S. K. Malyan
J. Sharma
T. Mathimani
M. S. Maskarenj
P. C. Ghosh
, and
A. Pugazhendhi
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for bioelectrochemical treatment of different wastewater streams
254 (2019).
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