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Conference Paper
Prasad, J. S. S.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Active commutated thyristor CSI for grid connected photovoltaic applications
." In
Conference Proceedings - IPEMC 2004: 4th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
, 1767-1771. Vol. 3., 2004.
Faghaninia, A.
K. R. Bhatt
, and
C. S. Lo
Alloying ZnS to create transparent conducting materials
." In
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2015
., 2015.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Analysis of voltage and frequency controller for grid connected 3-Φ self-excited induction generator using current controlled voltage source inverter
." In
IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON
, C468-C471. Vol. C., 2004.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandas
Analysis of voltage regulator for a 3 - Φ self-excited induction generator using current controlled voltage source inverter
." In
Conference Proceedings - IPEMC 2004: 4th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
, 1404-1408. Vol. 3., 2004.
Kulkarni, O. V.
S. Doolla
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Compensator-less structures for droop control of single phase inverters in a flexible microgrid
." In
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC
, 2245-2251. Vol. 2016-May., 2016.
Kama, S.
S. Bandyopadhyay
A. Gaxg
D. C. Y. Foo
, and
G. C. Sahu
Heat integrated water regeneration networks with variable regeneration temperature
." In
23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2018 and 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2018
, 780. Vol. 2., 2018.
Qazi, H. W.
D. Flynn
, and
Z. H. Rather
Impact of electric vehicle load response variation on frequency stability
." In
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe
., 2016.
Kulkarni, O. V.
S. Doolla
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Inverter based distributed generators operating in grid-connected and stand-alone mode
." In
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC
, 3376-3382. Vol. 2016-May., 2016.
Furquan, M.
S. Vijayalakshmi
, and
S. Mitra
Iron oxide shell coating on nano silicon prepared from the sand for lithium-ion battery application
." In
AIP Conference Proceedings
. Vol. 1961., 2018.
Verma, P.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Modified sector scheme to overcome flux drooping of direct torque controlled IPMSM
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 862-866., 2006.
Felix, A.
H. S. V. S. K. Nunna
S. Doolla
, and
A. Shukla
Multi agent based restoration for smart distribution system with microgrids
." In
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015
, 2341-2347., 2015.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Novel maximum power point tracker for stand-alone self-excited induction generator
." In
Proceedings of India International Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE 2006
, 110-115., 2006.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Novel voltage controller for stand-alone induction generator using PWM-VSI
." In
Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society)
, 204-208. Vol. 1., 2006.
Tan, R. R.
S. Bandyopadhyay
, and
D. C. Y. Foo
Pinch analysis approach to optimal planning of biochar-based carbon management networks
." In
2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, AdCONIP 2017
, 67-72., 2017.
Roychaudhuri, P. S.
S. Bandyopadhyay
D. C. Y. Foo
R. R. Tan
, and
V. Kazantzi
A pinch analysis approach to project selection problem
." In
2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, AdCONIP 2017
, 49-54., 2017.
Mishra, S. K.
E. G. Fernandes
, and
K. Chatterjee
Single stage single switch AC/DC converters with high input power factor and tight output voltage regulation
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 2690-2695. Vol. 3., 2004.
Mallick, T. K.
L. Micheli
S. Banerjee
K. Shanks
S. Lokeswaran
H. Baig
F. Calabria
N. Sarmah
M. Walker
M. Theristis
et al.
Status and perspective of concentrating photovoltaic systems: The results of the BioCPV project and opportunities for a sustainable energy supply to rural areas
." In
ISES Solar World Congress 2015, Conference Proceedings
, 488-499., 2015.
Jayaramaiah, G. V.
, and
B. G. Fernandes
Voltage controller for stand-alone induction generator using instantaneous power control
." In
2004 1st International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications Proceedings
, 102-106., 2004.
Journal Article
Faghaninia, A.
K. R. Bhatt
, and
C. S. Lo
Alloying ZnS in the hexagonal phase to create high-performing transparent conducting materials
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
18 (2016): 22628-22635.
Kumar, A.
A. Ghosh
A. Ghosh
A. Ahuja
M. Forsyth
D. R. MacFarlane
, and
S. Mitra
Approach to Increase the Utilization of Active Material in a High Sulfur-Loaded Cathode for High Areal Capacity Room-Temperature Sodium-Sulfur Batteries
ACS Applied Energy Materials
4 (2021): 384-393.
Furquan, M.
A. Raj Khatribail
S. Vijayalakshmi
, and
S. Mitra
Efficient conversion of sand to nano-silicon and its energetic Si-C composite anode design for high volumetric capacity lithium-ion battery
Journal of Power Sources
382 (2018): 56-68.
Patole, M.
S. Bandyopadhyay
D. C. Y. Foo
, and
R. R. Tan
Energy sector planning using multiple-index pinch analysis
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
19 (2017): 1967-1975.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
D. C. Y. Foo
, and
R. R. Tan
Feeling the Pinch?
Chemical Engineering Progress
112 (2016).
Beznosov, S. N.
P. S. Veluri
M. G. Pyatibratov
A. Chatterjee
D. R. MacFarlane
O. V. Fedorov
, and
S. Mitra
Flagellar filament bio-templated inorganic oxide materials-towards an efficient lithium battery anode
Scientific Reports
5 (2015).
Kumar, A.
A. Kumar
A. Kumar
A. Ghosh
A. Ghosh
A. Ghosh
M. Forsyth
M. Forsyth
D. R. MacFarlane
D. R. MacFarlane
et al.
Free-Radical Catalysis and Enhancement of the Redox Kinetics for Room-Temperature Sodium-Sulfur Batteries
ACS Energy Letters
5 (2020): 2112-2121.
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