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Debnath, R.
R. Bardhan
, and
R. Banerjee
Investigating the age of air in rural Indian kitchens for sustainable built-environment design
Journal of Building Engineering
7 (2016): 320-333.
Kar, T.
R. Devivaraprasad
B. Bera
R. Ramesh
, and
M. Neergat
Investigation on the reduction of the oxides of Pd and graphite in alkaline medium and the simultaneous evolution of oxygen reduction reaction and peroxide generation features
Electrochimica Acta
191 (2016): 81-89.
Nunna, H. S. V. S. K.
A. M. Saklani
A. Sesetti
S. Battula
S. Doolla
, and
D. Srinivasan
Multi-agent based Demand Response management system for combined operation of smart microgrids
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
6 (2016): 25-34.
Deshmukh, A.
V. Vasava
A. Patankar
, and
M. Bose
Particle velocity distribution in a flow of gas-solid mixture through a horizontal channel
Powder Technology
298 (2016): 119-129.
Nayak, R.
T. Dey
P. C. Ghosh
, and
A. R. Bhattacharyya
Phosphoric acid doped poly(2,5-benzimidazole)-based proton exchange membrane for high temperature fuel cell application
Polymer Engineering and Science
56 (2016): 1366-1374.
Devivaraprasad, R.
T. Kar
A. Chakraborty
R. K. Singh
, and
M. Neergat
Reconstruction and dissolution of shape-controlled Pt nanoparticles in acidic electrolytes
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
18 (2016): 11220-11232.
Dheer, D. K.
S. Doolla
, and
A. K. Rathore
Small signal modeling and stability analysis of a droop based hybrid AC/DC microgrid
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 3775-3780., 2016.
Kulshrestha, N.
D. K. Dheer
, and
S. Doolla
Stability and fault analysis of a hybrid AC/DC fighter Aircraft
." In
2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Power Systems, ICPS 2016
., 2016.
Desai, N. B.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Thermo-economic analysis and selection of working fluid for solar organic Rankine cycle
Applied Thermal Engineering
95 (2016): 471-481.
Desai, N. B.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Thermo-economic comparisons between solar steam Rankine and organic Rankine cycles
Applied Thermal Engineering
105 (2016): 862-875.
Roy, A.
P. K. Dutta
, and
S. Mitra
Advanced sodium storage property in an exfoliated MoO3 anode: The stability and performance improvement by: In situ impedance mapping
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
5 (2017): 20491-20496.
Soni, N.
S. Doolla
, and
M. C. Chandorkar
Analysis of Frequency Transients in Isolated Microgrids
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
53 (2017): 5940-5951.
Dhariwal, J.
, and
R. Banerjee
An approach for building design optimization using design of experiments
Building Simulation
10 (2017): 323-336.
Desai, N. B.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Bioenergy and food production: Appropriate allocation for future development
The Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Processes, Technologies, and Challenges
., 2017.
Malik, S. N.
P. C. Ghosh
A. N. Vaidya
V. Waindeskar
S. Das
, and
S. N. Mudliar
Comparison of coagulation, ozone and ferrate treatment processes for color, COD and toxicity removal from complex textile wastewater
Water Science and Technology
76 (2017): 1001-1010.
Dhara, A.
S. K. Sarkar
, and
S. Mitra
Controlled 3D Carbon Nanotube Architecture Coated with MoOx Material by ALD Technique: A High Energy Density Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode
Advanced Materials Interfaces
4 (2017).
Jacob, A. S.
J. Das
A. P. Abraham
R. Banerjee
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Cost and Energy Analysis of PV Battery Grid Backup System for a Residential Load in Urban India
." In
Energy Procedia
, 88-94. Vol. 118., 2017.
Singh, A.
S. Doolla
, and
R. Banerjee
Demand Side Management
Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies
., 2017.
Dheer, D. K.
S. Doolla
S. Bandyopadhyay
, and
J. M. Guerrero
Effect of placement of droop based generators in distribution network on small signal stability margin and network loss
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
88 (2017): 108-118.
Dheer, D. K.
O. V. Kulkarni
S. Doolla
, and
A. K. Rathore
Effect of Reconfiguration and Mesh on Small Signal Stability Margin of a Droop-based Islanded Microgrid
." In
IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2016
, 1-6. Vol. 2016-January., 2017.
Chakraborty, A.
R. Devivaraprasad
B. Bera
, and
M. Neergat
Electrochemical estimation of the active site density on metal-free nitrogen-doped carbon using catechol as an adsorbate
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
19 (2017): 25414-25422.
Das, C.
B. Ananthoju
A. K. Dhara
M. Aslam
S. K. Sarkar
, and
K. R. Balasubramaniam
Electron-Selective TiO2 /CVD-Graphene Layers for Photocorrosion Inhibition in Cu2O Photocathodes
Advanced Materials Interfaces
4 (2017).
Sahu, T. S.
Q. Li
J. Wu
V. P. Dravid
, and
S. Mitra
Exfoliated MoS2 nanosheets confined in 3-D hierarchical carbon nanotube@graphene architecture with superior sodium-ion storage
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
5 (2017): 355-363.
Maurya, S. K.
Y. Liu
X. Xu
R. Woods-Robinson
C. Das
J. W. Ager
, and
K. R. Balasubramaniam
High figure-of-merit p-type transparent conductor, Cu alloyed ZnS via radio frequency magnetron sputtering
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
50 (2017).
Sreeram, T. S.
D. K. Dheer
S. Doolla
, and
S. Singh
Hopf bifurcation analysis in droop controlled islanded microgrids
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
90 (2017): 208-224.
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