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Chaturvedi, N. D.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Minimization of storage requirement in a batch process using pinch analysis
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
31 (2012): 670-674.
Chaturvedi, N. D.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
A rigorous targeting to minimize resource requirement in batch processes
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
51 (2012): 8015-8024.
Bade, M. H.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Targeting Minimum Heat Transfer Fluid Flow for Multiple Heat Demands
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
31 (2012): 675-679.
Adekola, O.
J. D. Stamp
T. Majozi
A. Garg
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
A Unified Approach for the Optimization of Energy and Water in Multipurpose Batch Plants
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
31 (2012): 1382-1386.
Havelia, S.
S. Wang
K. R. Balasubramaniam
A. M. Schultz
G. S. Rohrer
, and
P. A. Salvador
Combinatorial substrate epitaxy: A new approach to growth of complex metastable compounds
15 (2013): 5434-5441.
Shah, P. R.
S. Patel
S. Bhanushali
, and
A. Ganesh
A Comparative study of use of fuel additives in straight vegetable oil and pre-heated straight vegetable oil on combustion and emission characteristics of CI engine
SAE Technical Papers
5 (2013).
Bhaskaran, S.
A. Ganesh
S. Mahajani
P. Aghalayam
R. K. Sapru
, and
D. K. Mathur
Comparison between two types of Indian coals for the feasibility of Underground Coal Gasification through laboratory scale experiments
113 (2013): 837-843.
Priya, G. S. K.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Emission constrained power system plannin.A pinch analysis based study of Indian electricity sector
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
15 (2013): 771-782.
Singh, R.
, and
R. Banerjee
Estimation of roof-top photovoltaic potential using satellite imagery and GIS
." In
Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
, 2343-2347., 2013.
Sahoo, S. S.
S. M. Varghese
C. Suresh Kumar
S. P. Viswanathan
S. Singh
, and
R. Banerjee
Experimental investigation and computational validation of heat losses from the cavity receiver used in linear Fresnel reflector solar thermal system
Renewable Energy
55 (2013): 18-23.
Diamante, J. A. R.
R. R. Tan
D. C. Y. Foo
D. K. S. Ng
K. B. Aviso
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
A graphical approach for pinch-based source-sink matching and sensitivity analysis in carbon capture and storage systems
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
52 (2013): 7211-7222.
Sarkar, S.
H. Banda
, and
S. Mitra
High capacity lithium-ion battery cathode using LiV3O 8 nanorods
Electrochimica Acta
99 (2013): 242-252.
Mondal, S.
V. K. Bajpai
, and
C. S. Solanki
Junction depth estimation using wet chemical etching for deep junction fabricated by laser doping
." In
Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
, 1441-1444., 2013.
Sardeshpande, V.
U. N. Gaitonde
, and
R. Banerjee
Methodology for indirect determination of air and flue-gas leakage in a typical glass furnace in India
Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A
54 (2013): 233-241.
Wu, X.
M. Bliss
T. Betts
R. Gottschalg
A. Sinha
, and
R. Gupta
Modeling spatial electrical properties in photovoltaic modules using PV-oriented nodal analysis
." In
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
, 8098-8103., 2013.
Sreeraj, E. S.
K. Chatterjee
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
One-cycle-controlled single-stage single-phase voltage-sensorless grid-connected PV system
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
60 (2013): 1216-1224.
Tan, R. R.
K. B. Aviso
S. Bandyopadhyay
, and
D. K. S. Ng
Optimal source-sink matching in carbon capture and storage systems with time, injection rate, and capacity constraints
Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy
32 (2013): 411-416.
Sahu, G. C.
A. Garg
T. Majozi
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Optimum design of waste water treatment network
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
52 (2013): 5161-5171.
Krishna Priya, G. S.
M. S. Thakare
P. C. Ghosh
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Sizing of standalone photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems using design space approach
Solar Energy
97 (2013): 48-57.
Sahoo, S. S.
S. Singh
, and
R. Banerjee
Steady state hydrothermal analysis of the absorber tubes used in Linear Fresnel Reflector solar thermal system
Solar Energy
87 (2013): 84-95.
Dey, T.
D. Singdeo
M. Bose
R. N. Basu
, and
P. C. Ghosh
Study of contact resistance at the electrode-interconnect interfaces in planar type Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Journal of Power Sources
233 (2013): 290-298.
Chaturvedi, N. D.
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Targeting for multiple resources in batch processes
Chemical Engineering Science
104 (2013): 1081-1089.
Adekola, O.
J. D. Stamp
T. Majozi
A. Garg
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Unified approach for the optimization of energy and water in multipurpose batch plants using a flexible scheduling framework
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
52 (2013): 8488-8506.
Sreeraj, E. S.
E. K. Prejith
K. Chatterjee
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
An active harmonic filter based on one-cycle control
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
61 (2014): 3799-3809.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
The answer is not blowin' in the wind, or is it?
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
16 (2014): 211-212.
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