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Shekhar, R. S.
A. Bertei
, and
D. S. Monder
Structure - Properties - Performance: Modelling a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Infiltrated Electrodes
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
167 (2020).
Ginley, D.
J. Ager
R. Agrawal
M. A. Alam
B. M. Arora
S. Avasthi
D. Basak
P. Bhargava
P. Biswas
B. Bora
et al.
Sustainable Photovoltaics
Lecture Notes in Energy
39 (2020): 25-85.
Jacob, A. S.
R. Banerjee
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P. C. Ghosh
Trade-off between end of life of battery and reliability in a photovoltaic system
Journal of Energy Storage
30 (2020).
Patel, A. K.
M. R. Panda
E. Rani
H. Singh
S. S. Samatham
A. Nagendra
S. N. Jha
D. Bhattacharyya
K. G. Suresh
, and
S. Mitra
Unique Structure-Induced Magnetic and Electrochemical Activity in Nanostructured Transition Metal Tellurates Co1 - XNi xTeO4(x = 0, 0.5, and 1)
ACS Applied Energy Materials
3 (2020): 9436-9448.
Belkhode, S.
A. Shukla
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S. Doolla
Analysis of antiparallel diode connection for hybrid Si/SiC-based ANPC for PV applications
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2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2019
, 1905-1910., 2019.
Pandey, B.
R. Pungaliya
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R. Banerjee
Artificial neural network based model predictive control vis-à-vis simple on-off control of windows opening position for mixed-mode-operated building
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Building Simulation Conference Proceedings
, 4918-4925. Vol. 7., 2019.
Kamat, S.
P. Chokhani
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S. Bandyopadhyay
Bi-Objective Optimization of Interplant Integration Using Pinch Analysis
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
58 (2019): 20014-20025.
Panda, M. R.
A. Raj K
A. Ghosh
A. Kumar
D. Muthuraj
S. Sau
W. Yu
Y. Zhang
A. K. Sinha
M. Weyland
et al.
Blocks of molybdenum ditelluride: A high rate anode for sodium-ion battery and full cell prototype study
Nano Energy
64 (2019).
Kumar, R.
K. Anish Raj
S. Mita
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P. Bhargava
Carbon Derived from Sucrose as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Journal of Electronic Materials
48 (2019): 7389-7395.
Yadav, T. S.
K. Sandeep
A. K. Sharma
P. Pradeep
K. L. Narasimhan
B. M. Arora
A. Kottantharayil
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P. K. Basu
Cell efficiency enhancement in industrial monocrystalline silicon solar cells using new low-cost chemical passivation process
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Springer Proceedings in Physics
, 437-440. Vol. 215., 2019.
Biswas, P.
S. Singh
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H. Bindra
A Closed Form Solution of Dual-Phase Lag Heat Conduction Problem with Time Periodic Boundary Conditions
Journal of Heat Transfer
141 (2019).
Kumar, R.
K. Anish Raj
S. Mitra
, and
P. Bhargava
Correction to: Carbon Derived from Sucrose as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries (Journal of Electronic Materials, (2019), 48, 11, (7389-7395), 10.1007/s11664-019-07567-y)
Journal of Electronic Materials
48 (2019): 7593.
Devivaraprasad, R.
N. Nalajala
B. Bera
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M. Neergat
Electrocatalysis of Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Shape-Controlled Pt and Pd Nanoparticles—Importance of Surface Cleanliness and Reconstruction
Frontiers in Chemistry
7 (2019).
Chakraborty, A.
B. Bera
D. Priyadarshani
P. Leuaa
D. Choudhury
, and
M. Neergat
Electrochemical estimation of active site density on a metal-free carbon-based catalyst
RSC Advances
9 (2019): 466-475.
Mohammed, H.
R. Gupta
O. Sastry
B. Bora
D. Magare
Y. Singh
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S. Kumar
Estimation of most frequent operating conditions of different technology silicon photovoltaic module in India using IEC 61853-1 approach
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AIP Conference Proceedings
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Bandyopadhyay, S.
The first step towards energy revolution
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
21 (2019): 227-228.
Bera, S.
A. Roy
A. K. Guria
S. Mitra
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N. Pradhan
Insights of Diffusion Doping in Formation of Dual-Layered Material and Doped Heterostructure SnS-Sn:Sb 2 S 3 for Sodium Ion Storage
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
10 (2019): 1024-1030.
Kanitkar, T.
R. Banerjee
, and
T. Jayaraman
An integrated modeling framework for energy economy and emissions modeling: A case for India
167 (2019): 670-679.
Ravishankar, S.
A. Riquelme
S. K. Sarkar
M. Garcia-Batlle
G. Garcia-Belmonte
, and
J. Bisquert
Intensity-Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy and Its Application to Perovskite Solar Cells
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
123 (2019): 24995-25014.
Belkhode, S.
P. Rao
A. Shukla
, and
S. Doolla
Investigation of Si and SiC-based Three-level Converters for Medium Voltage Applications
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2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2019
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Arya, D.
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S. Bandyopadhyay
Iterative Pinch Analysis to address non-linearity in a stochastic Pinch problem
Journal of Cleaner Production
227 (2019): 543-553.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
Let us ‘bring back the forest’
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
21 (2019): 1381.
Mallapragada, D. S.
I. Naik
K. Ganesan
R. Banerjee
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I. J. Laurenzi
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Coal and Imported Gas-Based Power Generation in the Indian Context
Environmental Science and Technology
53 (2019): 539-549.
Dutta, P. K.
Y. Myung
R. Kulangaramadom Venkiteswaran
L. Mehdi
N. Browning
P. Banerjee
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S. Mitra
Mechanism of Na-Ion Storage in BiOCl Anode and the Sodium-Ion Battery Formation
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
123 (2019): 11500-11507.
Bhatia, S.
I. M. Khorakiwala
K. K. Markose
P. R. Nair
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A. Antony
Moo3 as hole-selective contact for diffusion-free solar cells
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Springer Proceedings in Physics
, 329-333. Vol. 215., 2019.
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