Ph. D., Electrical Engineering (Power Systems), Aalborg University, Denmark
PDF (Power Systems), Electricity Research Centre, UCD, Ireland
Contact Address:
Room No. 417, 4th floor, Energy Science and Engineering building (opp. KV School), Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay
Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400076
Grid Integration of Renewables (Wind and Solar PV power plants)
System Integration of Renewables
Power system dynamics and control
Electric vehicle grid integration
Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS), Wide Area Monitoring Control and Protection (WAMPAC)
Smart Grid and microgrid, and Demand Side Response/Management.
Courses Offered:
EN 639-Renewable Energy Integration
EN 304- Electrical Power Systems
EN 602- Foundation for Energy Engineering
EN 212-Electrical Machines
EN 209-Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
List of Publications:
For updated list, visit Homepage (hyperlink provided on the left side of the webpage and reproduced here:
Karbouj, Hazem; Rather, Zakir, "Voltage Control Ancillary Service from Wind Power Plant,"IEEE Trans. Sust. Energy, (Early access paper).
Karbouj, Hazem; Rather, Zakir, "A Novel Wind Farm Control Strategy to Mitigate Voltage Dip Induced Frequency Excursion," IEEE Trans. Sust. Energy, (Early access paper).
Paul, Santanu; Rather, Zakir, "A Pragmatic Approach for Selecting a Suitable Wind Turbine for a Wind Farm," IEEE Trans. on Sust. Energy, (Early access).
Rather, Zakir; Rannestad, Bjørn; Abrahamsen,Flemming; Nielse,Kristoffer; Balle, Rene, “Grid Stability Enhancement by LVRT Retrofitting of Existing Wind and Solar Power Plants,” Intl. conf. Windergy India-2017, April, New Delhi (Best paper award).
Rather, Zakir; Flynn, Damian, "Impact of voltage dip induced delayed active power recovery on wind integrated power systems," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 61, pp. 124-133, April, 2017.
J.N., Sakamuri; Rather, Zakir; Rimez, Johan; Altin, Mufit; Goksu, Omer; Cutululis, Nicolaos A., "Coordinated Voltage Control in Offshore HVDC Connected Cluster of Wind Power Plants," IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, May 2016
Flynn, Damian; Rather, Zakir; A. Ardal, S. D’Arco, A.D. Hansen, N.A. Cutululis, P. Sorensen, A. Estanquiero E. Gómez, N. Menemenlis, Charlie Smith Ye Wang, “Technical impacts of high penetration levels of wind power on power system stability,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, June 2016 (invited paper)
Rather, Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Thøgersen, Paul; Lund, Per “Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation of Large Scale Wind Integrated Power System,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems Vol.30, No.5, Nov., 2014, p. 2516 – 2526.
Rather, Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Thøgersen, Paul; Lund, Per; Kirby, Brian, “Realistic Approach for Phasor Measurement Unit Placement: Consideration of Practical Hidden Costs,” IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, Vol.30, issue. 1, Oct, 2014, p.3-15.
Rather, Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Thøgersen, Paul; Lund, Per, “Pragmatic Approach for Multistage Phasor Measurement Unit Placement: A Case Study of Danish Power System and Inputs from Practical Experience”, European Transactions on Electrical Power (Int. trans. Energy Systems)
Liu, Chengxi; Sun Kai; Rather, Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Bak, Claus Lath; Thøgersen, Paul; Lund, Per, "A Systematic Approach for Dynamic Security Assessment and the Corresponding Preventive Control Scheme Based on Decision Trees ," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2, 03.2014, p. 717-730.
Liu, Chengxi; Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Bak, Claus Lath, “Multi Agent System Based Adaptive Protection for Dispersed Generation Integrated Distribution Systems,” International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy , Vol. 2, No. 3, 2013, p. 406-412.
Liu, Chengxi; Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Bak, Claus Lath, “An overview of decision tree applied to power systems,” International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy , Vol. 2, No. 3, 2013, p. 413-419.
Jayachandra, Sakamuri; Rather, Zakir; Cutululis, Nicolaos; Anca, Hansen, Sorensen, Poul; Rimes, Johan, “A New Coordinated Voltage Control Scheme for Offshore Grid of HVDC Connected Offshore Wind Farm,” 2015 CIGRÉ Canada, Sept. 2015, Winnipeg, Canada.
Rather, Zakir Hussain; Flynn, Damian, “Voltage Dip Induced Frequency Events in Large-Scale Wind Integrated Power System,” 9th Control of Power and Energy Systems Symposium, IFAC, Dec. 2015, Delhi, India (declared as one of the best paper of the conference)
Hassan W. Qazi, Rather, Zakir Hussain; Flynn, Damian, “Impact of Large Scale Demand Side Management on Power System,” IEEE PowerTech 2015, June, 2015, Eindhoven.
Liu, Chengxi; Sun Kai; Rather, Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Bak, Claus Lath; Thøgersen, Paul; Lund, Per, "A Systematic Approach for Dynamic Security Assessment and the Corresponding Preventive Control Scheme Based on Decision Trees ," In Proc. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July, 2014, Washington, USA.
Jayachandra, Sakamuri; Rather, Zakir, Cutululis, Nicolaos; Anca, Hansen, Sorensen, Poul; Rimes, Johan, “Dynamic Reactive Power Control in Offshore HVDC Connected Wind Power Plants” 14th Wind Integration Workshop, Oct. 2015, Brussels, Belgium.
Seyed, Mostafa; Rather, Zakir Hussain;Hu, Weihao; Chen, Zhe, “Economic valuation of reserves on cross border interconnections; A Danish case study”, In Proc. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July, 2014, Washington, USA.
Rather, Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Thøgersen, Paul, “Wide Area Measurement Based Security Assessment & Monitoring of Modern Power System: A Danish Power System Case Study,” IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies – Asia (ISGT Asia), Nov. 2013, Bangalore, India
Rather, Zakir Hussain; Liu, Chengxi; Bak, Clause Leth; Chen, Zhe, Thøgersen, Paul “Dynamic Security Assessment of Danish Power System Based on Decision Trees,” IEEE PowerTech, 16th-20th June 2013, Grenoble, France
Rather, Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Thøgersen, Paul, “Impact of renewable energy integration on reactive power reserve and its smart solution: A Danish Power System case study,” IEEE Conf. on Power System technology (POWERCON), 30th Oct-2nd Nov.2012, Auckland, New Zealand
Rather, Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Thøgersen, Paul, “Challenges of Danish power system and their possible solutions,” IEEE Conf. on Power System technology (POWERCON), 30th Oct-2nd Nov.2012, Auckland, New Zealand.
Liu, Chengxi; Rather, Zakir Hussain; Stearn, Nathen; Chen, Zhe; Bak, Clause Leth; Thøgersen, Paul, “ Practical Testing and Performance Analysis of Phasor Measurement Unit Using Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS)” IEEE Conference, ENERGYCON, pp. 408-414, 9th-12th Sep., 2012, Florence, Italy
Rather, Zakir Hussain; Chen, Zhe; Thøgersen, Paul “Fast and Precise Method of Contingency Ranking in Modern Power System” IEEE Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT), 6th- 8th, Dec., 2011, Amman.
Complete list of publications: Homepage-
Invited Lecture:
Visit Homepage for the updated list
Dynamic voltage stability and LVRT implications: International workshop on RE integration, January 23, 2018, Chennai,India
Emerging Ancillary Service Products in Renewable Energy Integrated Power Systems: International conf. on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India, September 8, 2017, New Delhi, India.
Introductory Keynote on Wind System Modelling: International conf. on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India, September 8, 2017, New Delhi, India.
Large-scale wind integration in India: Technical challenges and opportunities: Divecha Center for Climate Change, IISc Bangalore, August 22, 2017, Bangaluru, India.
Large-scale wind integration: Technical challenges and opportunities, 4th International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems, March 10, 2017, MNNIT, Allahabad, India.
Short Term Flexibility Issues of Large-Scale Wind Integrated Power System: Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Dec. 5, 2014, Netherlands.
Grid Support Functionalities of Wind Farms and Market opportunities, Technology Day, KK Wind Solutions, 25th Feb, 2014, Ikast, Denmark.
Reactive Power Compensation of Large-Scale Wind Integrated Power System: (Danish National TSO), March 24, 2014, Fredericia, Denmark.
WAMS Based Hierarchical Voltage Control for Large Scale Wind Integrated Power Systems: Danish Wind Industry Annual Event, Organised by the Danish Wind Industry Association and Danish Research Consortium for Wind Energy, March 26, 2014, Herning, Denmark.