Introduction to solar PV system sizing

Fri, 2013-08-02 01:00
Brochure Registration Form

Solar photovoltaic’s (PV) is poised to make inroads into all of our lives with the price of solar PV modules and systems dropping extremely rapidly in the last few years. In applications ranging from rural and urban household electrification to industrial/agricultural/commercial and community needs and large scale grid connected power plants, solar PV is becoming very compelling. India is particularly suitable for PV given its high solar insolation and severe power shortages.

Attend this tutorial for a concise 
introduction to the basics of PV components and an understanding of PV system sizing, from NCPRE, IIT Bombay experts.

The short course is suitable for:

·         Practicing engineers and technicians

·         Academic/research staff and students

·         New entrants into PV including entrepreneurs and individuals

Although the tutorial is basic, it will be technical in content. A basic understanding of electrical and other engineering principles is required.


The tutorial will cover basics of solar resource, solar cells and modules, battery, charge controller and inverter. Basics of PV systems design will be covered followed by hands-on PV-Battery-Inverter sizing exercise."