First Prize in Tech Connect 2014

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We are glad to share that DESE has won “First Prize” in Tech Connect 2014. The DESE stall was judged best stall and was granted a cash prize of Rs. 25000. This year the following were on exhibit :
1. Working model of Hydrogen generation and  Fuel Cell  (PrS and PCG)
2. Solar PV lab kits (NCPRE)
3. Million Lamps - Solar lamps (CSS and team)
4. Portable solar water heater ( DD students)
5. Model of 1MW solar thermal power plant (SBK , JKN and team)
6 Solar Decathlon (Team Sunya)
7. Portable Generator (SD & Global Tech Team)
A team of 32 volunteers under the guidance of Prof. Pratibha Sharma worked for 3 days towards the exhibit management.