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Gangal, A. C., R. Edla, K. Iyer, R. Biniwale, M. Vashistha, and P. Sharma. "Effect of zeolites on thermal decomposition of ammonia borane." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012): 3712-3718.
Guo, Z. Y., X. B. Liu, W. Q. Tao, and R. K. Shah. "Effectiveness-thermal resistance method for heat exchanger design and analysis." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (2010): 2877-2884.
Jena, P., and R. Gupta. "Electrical analogy approach to estimate material category from transient thermal response." Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 169 (2021).
Gupta, R., P. Somasundaran, and D. K. Nandi. "Electrical simulation and characterization of shunts in solar cells." Applied Mechanics and Materials 110-116 (2012): 2453-2457.