GIL is a research unit at the forefront of tackling the global energy challenge by focusing on renewable energy and electric vehicle integration to the grid. Our mission is to drive the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable future through cutting-edge research and solutions. At the heart of our research lies the grid integration of renewables, particularly wind and solar PV power plants, grid integration of EVs and sustainable transition towards carbon neutral energy system. We strive to optimize the seamless integration of these clean energy sources into existing power systems, ensuring maximum efficiency and reliability. Moreover, our expertise extends to system integration of renewables, where we explore novel approaches to harmoniously incorporate renewable energy into complex power networks. Our team works actively towards enhancing the stable and secure operation of RE integrated power system. We are extensively working in electric vehicle grid integration, seeking innovative solutions to seamlessly connect electric vehicles to the grid, enabling a greener transportation future. Our focus also extends to Smart Grid and microgrid technologies, enabling intelligent and decentralized energy distribution. Also we actively engage in Demand Side Response or Management, emphasizing the significance of consumer involvement in the energy ecosystem. We are also working on sector coupling of multi-carrier energy systems with primary focus on optimal integration of different energy carriers towards achieving carbon neutral energy system.

ย  Our team of passionate researchers, engineers, and scientists work collaboratively to push the boundaries of what is possible in grid integration. Together, we strive to make a lasting impact on the energy landscape and create a brighter and cleaner tomorrow for generations to come.


Our mission is to help towards achieving clean and sustainable Energy System with a primary focus on electrical power system under high penetration of Renewable Energy, and Electrification of the Transportation sector, through applied research driven innovative solutions and cutting-edge R&Dย  at GIL, IIT Bombay.


To become driving force in Clean Energy Transition through innovative, inclusive and socially benefiting solutions for communities in India and around the world.