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Garg, H.
B. Pandey
S. K. Saha
S. Singh
, and
R. Banerjee
Design and analysis of PCM based radiant heat exchanger for thermal management of buildings
Energy and Buildings
169 (2018): 84-96.
Majumdar, R.
S. K. Saha
, and
S. Singh
Evaluation of transient characteristics of medium temperature solar thermal systems utilizing thermal stratification
Applied Energy
224 (2018): 69-85.
Saxena, A.
V. Kishor
S. Singh
, and
A. Srivastava
Experimental and numerical study on the onset of natural convection in a cavity open at the top
Physics of Fluids
30 (2018).
Saxena, A.
S. Singh
, and
A. Srivastava
Flow and heat transfer characteristics of an open cubic cavity with different inclinations
Physics of Fluids
30 (2018).
Mohan, S.
A. Saxena
, and
S. Singh
Heat loss analysis from a trapezoidal cavity receiver in LFR system using conduction-radiation model
Solar Energy
159 (2018): 37-43.
Kishor, V.
S. Singh
, and
A. Srivastava
Investigation of convective heat transfer phenomena in differentially-heated vertical closed cavity: Whole field experiments and numerical simulations
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
99 (2018): 71-84.
Singh, M. P.
M. E. Rahman
, and
S. Singh
Nodalized reduced ordered model for stability analysis of supercritical fluid in heated channel
." In
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) POWER
. Vol. 2., 2018.
Chakraborty, A.
S. Singh
, and
M. P. S. Fernando
A novel approach for bifurcation analysis of out of phase xenon oscillations using multipoint reactor kinetics
Nuclear Engineering and Design
328 (2018): 333-344.
Solanki, R. B.
H. D. Kulkarni
S. Singh
A. K. Verma
, and
P. V. Varde
Optimization of regression model using principal component regression method in passive system reliability assessment
Progress in Nuclear Energy
103 (2018): 126-134.
Biswas, P.
, and
S. Singh
Orthogonal eigenfunction expansion method for one-dimensional dual-phase lag heat conduction problem with time-dependent boundary conditions
Journal of Heat Transfer
140 (2018).
Majumdar, R.
S. Singh
, and
S. K. Saha
Quasi-steady state moving boundary reduced order model of two-phase flow for ORC refrigerant in solar-thermal heat exchanger
Renewable Energy
126 (2018): 830-843.
Narayan, S.
A. Srivastava
, and
S. Singh
Rainbow schlieren-based investigation of heat transfer mechanisms during isolated nucleate pool boiling phenomenon: Effect of superheat levels
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
120 (2018): 127-143.
Singh, M. P.
M. E. Rahman
O. Singh
, and
S. Singh
Bifurcation analysis of the super-critical carbon dioxide flow in heated channel
." In
Proceedings of the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference
, 759-766. Vol. 2019-April., 2019.
Pandey, V.
, and
S. Singh
Bifurcations emerging from a double Hopf bifurcation for a BWR
Progress in Nuclear Energy
117 (2019).
Biswas, P.
S. Singh
, and
H. Bindra
A Closed Form Solution of Dual-Phase Lag Heat Conduction Problem with Time Periodic Boundary Conditions
Journal of Heat Transfer
141 (2019).
Singh, M. P.
S. Paul
, and
S. Singh
Development of a novel nodalized reduced order model for stability analysis of supercritical fluid in a heated channel
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
137 (2019): 650-664.
Ray, S.
A. K. Tripathy
S. S. Sahoo
, and
S. Singh
Effect of inlet temperature of heat transfer fluid and wind velocity on the performance of parabolic trough solar collector receiver: A computational study
International Journal of Heat and Technology
37 (2019): 48-58.
Narayan, S.
T. Singh
S. Singh
, and
A. Srivastava
Experiments on the effects of varying subcooled conditions on the dynamics of single vapor bubble and heat transfer rates in nucleate pool boiling regime
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
134 (2019): 85-100.
Chakraborty, A.
S. Singh
, and
M. P. S. Fernando
An improved reduced order model for nonlinear stability analysis of spatial xenon oscillations
Progress in Nuclear Energy
116 (2019): 62-75.
Paul, D.
S. Singh
, and
S. Mishra
Interaction of density wave oscillations and flow maldistribution for two-phase flow boiling parallel channels
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
145 (2019).
Narayan, S.
A. Srivastava
, and
S. Singh
Rainbow schlieren-based direct visualization of thermal gradients around single vapor bubble during nucleate boiling phenomena of water
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
110 (2019): 82-95.
Kukrety, D.
A. Chakraborty
, and
S. Singh
Reduced order model and stability analysis for a natural circulation loop
." In
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE
. Vol. 2019-May., 2019.
Mathur, A. K.
, and
S. Singh
Status of India's renewable energy commitments for the paris agreement
." In
5th International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies, PGSRET 2019
., 2019.
Singh, S.
K. Anish Raj
M. R. Panda
R. Sen
P. Johari
A. K. Sinha
S. S. Meena
, and
S. Mitra
Study of Higher Discharge Capacity, Phase Transition, and Relative Structural Stability in Li2FeSiO4 Cathode upon Lithium Extraction Using an Experimental and Theoretical Approach and Full Cell Prototype Study
ACS Applied Energy Materials
2 (2019): 6584-6598.
Vora, R.
A. Chakraborty
, and
S. Singh
Bifurcation analysis of out-of-phase oscillations in boiling water reactors using multipoint neutron kinetics
Progress in Nuclear Energy
120 (2020).
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