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Mathew, D.
A. Shukla
, and
S. Bandyopadhyay
Modified predictive current control of Neutral-Point Clamped converter with reduced switching frequency
." In
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC
, 3286-3290. Vol. 2016-May., 2016.
Nunna, H. S. V. S. K.
A. M. Saklani
A. Sesetti
S. Battula
S. Doolla
, and
D. Srinivasan
Multi-agent based Demand Response management system for combined operation of smart microgrids
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
6 (2016): 25-34.
Sharma, I.
A. F. A. Hoadley
S. M. Mahajani
, and
A. Ganesh
Multi-objective optimisation of a Rectisol™ process for carbon capture
Journal of Cleaner Production
119 (2016): 196-206.
Raval, M. C.
S. S. Saseendran
S. Suckow
S. Saravanan
C. S. Solanki
, and
A. Kottantharayil
N2O plasma treatment for minimization of background plating in silicon solar cells with Ni-Cu front side metallization
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
144 (2016): 671-677.
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Non linear stability analysis of parallel channels with natural circulation
Nuclear Engineering and Design
309 (2016): 136-150.
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Non-linear stability analysis of uniformly heated parallel channels for different inclinations
Applied Thermal Engineering
98 (2016): 1189-1200.
Sinha, A.
O. S. Sastry
, and
R. Gupta
Nondestructive characterization of encapsulant discoloration effects in crystalline-silicon PV modules
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
155 (2016): 234-242.
Saxena, A.
N. Jhamaria
S. Singh
, and
S. S. Sahoo
Numerical analysis of convective and radiative heat losses from trapezoidal cavity receiver in LFR systems
Solar Energy
137 (2016): 308-316.
Kumar, N.
, and
S. Singh
Numerical solution of burgers-huxley equation using improved nodal integral method
." In
9th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD 2016 - Proceedings
., 2016.
Singh, H. K.
B. Arunachalam
S. Kumbhar
P. Sharma
, and
C. S. Solanki
Opto-Electrical Performance Improvement of Mono c-Si Solar Cells Using Dielectric–Metal–Dielectric (D-M-D) Sandwiched Structure-Based Plasmonic Anti-Reflector
11 (2016): 323-336.
Sarkar, S.
A. Bhowmik
J. Pan
M. D. Bharadwaj
, and
S. Mitra
Preparation, structure study and electrochemistry of layered H2V3O8 materials: High capacity lithium-ion battery cathode
Journal of Power Sources
329 (2016): 179-189.
Samdani, G.
P. Aghalayam
A. Ganesh
R. K. Sapru
B. L. Lohar
, and
S. Mahajani
A process model for underground coal gasification - Part-I: Cavity growth
181 (2016): 690-703.
Samdani, G.
P. Aghalayam
A. Ganesh
R. K. Sapru
B. L. Lohar
, and
S. Mahajani
A process model for underground coal gasification - Part-II growth of outflow channel
181 (2016): 587-599.
Devivaraprasad, R.
T. Kar
A. Chakraborty
R. K. Singh
, and
M. Neergat
Reconstruction and dissolution of shape-controlled Pt nanoparticles in acidic electrolytes
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
18 (2016): 11220-11232.
Tejwani, R.
G. Kumar
, and
C. S. Solanki
Remote monitoring of solar PV system for rural areas using GSM, V-F & F-V converters
Journal of Instrumentation
11 (2016).
Choudhury, D.
G. Rajaraman
, and
S. K. Sarkar
Self limiting atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 on perovskite surfaces: A reality?
8 (2016): 7459-7465.
Singha, B.
, and
C. S. Solanki
Study of defect formation from process step anomalies in limited boron source diffusion in crystalline silicon
." In
AIP Conference Proceedings
. Vol. 1728., 2016.
Mavilla, N. R.
V. Chavan
C. S. Solanki
, and
J. Vasi
Study of temperature-dependent charge conduction in silicon-nanocrystal/SiO2 multilayers
Thin Solid Films
612 (2016): 41-48.
Mishra, A. M.
, and
S. Singh
Subcritical and supercritical bifurcations for two-phase flow in a uniformly heated channel with different inclinations
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
93 (2016): 235-249.
Ghosh, A.
S. Shukla
G. S. Khosla
B. Lochab
, and
S. Mitra
Sustainable Sulfur-rich Copolymer/Graphene Composite as Lithium-Sulfur Battery Cathode with Excellent Electrochemical Performance
Scientific Reports
6 (2016).
Pareek, D.
K. R. Balasubramaniam
, and
P. Sharma
Synthesis and characterization of kesterite Cu2ZnSnTe4: Via ball-milling of elemental powder precursors
RSC Advances
6 (2016): 68754-68759.
Sahoo, S. S.
S. Singh
, and
R. Banerjee
Thermal hydraulic simulation of absorber tubes in linear Fresnel reflector solar thermal system using RELAP
Renewable Energy
86 (2016): 507-516.
Solanki, C. S.
, and
H. K. Singh
Advancements in traditional light trapping structures
Green Energy and Technology
(2017): 115-125.
Soni, N.
S. Doolla
, and
M. C. Chandorkar
Analysis of Frequency Transients in Isolated Microgrids
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
53 (2017): 5940-5951.
Pandey, V.
, and
S. Singh
The analysis of global stability boundary and multistability in the nonlinear dynamical system of an advanced heavy water reactor
Nuclear Science and Engineering
188 (2017): 187-197.
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