
 Stability and Performance of Photovoltaic (STAPP)

   India-UK Collaborative Research Initiative in Solar Energy  


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Mr. Xiaofeng Wu
Mr. Xiaofeng Wu


Mr. Xiaofeng Wu is a research student in the Applied Photovoltaics Research Group, being leaded by Prof Ralph Gottschalg, in the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) of the School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering at Loughborough University.

Mr. Xiaofeng Wu started his PhD in 2011 and is mainly focusing on spatially-resolved modelling and characterisation of PV devices. He has an education background of control systems engineering, obtained BEng and MSc from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China) and The University of Sheffield (UK) respectively. Before joined CREST, he had one year experience working as an electronics engineer.

Mr. Xiaofeng Wu is a member of LU Work Stream 2 (Module Characterisation) which is leaded by Dr Martin Bliss. He is currently working on distributed modelling of PV modules and development of novel characterisation techniques. The objective is to set up a comprehensive set of characterisation tools that is able to localise and quantitatively identify the defects in the PV modules in terms of opto-electro testing techniques.