
 Stability and Performance of Photovoltaic (STAPP)

   India-UK Collaborative Research Initiative in Solar Energy  


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Tatiana Georgitsioti
Tatiana Georgitsioti


Ms. Tatiana Georgitsioti is a PhD Student at Northumbria Photovoltaic Applications Centre in the faculty of Engineering and Environment at Northumbria University. Her supervisor team is Prof. Nicola Pearsall, Dr. Ian Forbes and Dr. Thomas Huld.
Her interests are mainly in the grid-connected PV system performance and economic evaluation. Her background studies are in physics and in renewable energy systems (mostly wind and solar energy systems). 

Tatiana's PhD study is a part of the STAPP project and her research concerns Photovoltaic Potential and Performance Evaluation Studies in India and the UK. The aims of this research are to evaluate the performance of different PV system module technologies under the various climate and operating conditions in India and UK and to develop methods for expressing the PV systems potential generation and the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) in both countries as a function of location. Information from other workpackages in STAPP will be used to inform the study. The results of this study will lead to a more comprehensive approach for estimation of the PV systems' lifetime energy output in a vast range of climatic and operating conditions. Moreover, the consideration of LCOE in the different system technologies and in the different climates will contribute to the cost-effective planning for PV systems installations. Finally, the method(s) that will be developed, for expressing the variations as a function of the location and type of installation within and between the two countries will provide the PV investors with a useful tool for decision-making.