
 Stability and Performance of Photovoltaic (STAPP)

   India-UK Collaborative Research Initiative in Solar Energy  


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Prof. Rajesh Gupta
Prof. Rajesh Gupta


Prof. Rajesh Gupta is an Assistant Professor in Department of Energy Science & Engineering at IIT Bombay. He did his M.Sc. in Physics, M.Tech. in Energy and Ph.D. in Electronics from IIT Delhi. After his Ph.D., he worked in Photovoltaic Group of Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany, where he was involved in joint collaborative project of German Institutes related to New Diagnostics Procedures for Development and Production of Silicon Solar Cells. Later, he worked in PV company at Germany, where he was involved in High Efficiency Multi-crystalline Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells project of European Union. Presently, he is leading a multi-institute India-UK joint project "Stability and Performance of Photovoltaic (STAPP)" from Indian side, which involves 8 leading institutes of India and UK along with more than 20 companies and having a funding of around INR 300 million. His main research interests are modeling, simulation, characterization, reliability and performance of solar cells and modules.