
 Stability and Performance of Photovoltaic (STAPP)

   India-UK Collaborative Research Initiative in Solar Energy  


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Dr. Maria Carla Di Vincenzo
Dr. Maria Carla Di Vincenzo


Di Vincenzo Maria Carla graduated from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of La Sapienza in Rome. Her PhD research was carried out as a part of the EU CityNet project funded through the Marie Curie Actions. She is now working as research assistant in the Renewable Energy Technology group at Strathclyde University.

Maria Carla Di Vincenzo has a wide interest in photovoltaics, including measurements, modelling and characterisation of photovoltaic system's performance under real operating conditions paying particular attention to the partial shading. 

Her research consists in developing an algorithm capable to track the Maximum power point for the real operating conditions including partial and time varying shading of the array. The research also includes the design of a complete grid connection unit. The inverter performance will be evaluated using the existing PV test system at Strathclyde University and the PV simulator.