
 Stability and Performance of Photovoltaic (STAPP)

   India-UK Collaborative Research Initiative in Solar Energy  


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Xiaofeng Wu, a PhD student from CREST, Loughborough University, won two awards at prestigious events supported by MEGS (Midlands Energy Graduate School). His work is part of the RCUK funded project Stability and Performance of Photovoltaic (STAPP). 

The poster entitled 'Spatially-resolved Opto-Electro Characterisation of Encapsulated Photovoltaic Devices' was awarded the prize of the best poster. The prize was awarded on the 2nd international workshop LCEDN (Low Carbon Energy for Development Network) held on 10th and 11th September, 2012 at the University of Sussex.

The MEGS annual conference was held on 18th and 19th September, 2012 at the University of Birmingham. This event was an annual event with a dedicated topic 'Systems Thinking', which required all the posters to take systems approaches into account. Xiaofeng Wu won the third prize in this event and the title of his poster was 'Spatially-resolved Characterisation of Photovoltaic Devices - The Systems Thinking Inside'.